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Iam new to the site and to computars.So bare with me. My greys name is Congo.You see I work at a pet shop- When i came back from vaccation there was a grey there.We don't carry big bird usaly. Well he was 16 weeks old and very stressed out the owners were coming the next day to take him back.So took care of his needs and didn't want to get atached. I was in the other room sitting on the floor putting cages togeather and he kept flying to me and wanted to sit with me. Finaly he won and I let him stay with me. the next day they came for him. I found out thet they realy din't want him. They had hand fed him but relized they didn't want a grey. So i took him out of his cage to say goodby and to give him to them. I had a top on that had medtle butten holes on it well he took 1 of them off and had it in his mouth and I told him that - that was mine and that he couldn't have it and took it out of his mouth they were amazed. And they sold me the bird.I barrowed money from everybody. I had to have him!!

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Tawney, that is such a sweet story. You must be very happy and Congo as well. It is great he found someone that loves him. To stay with people who don't really want him I know he can feel. That's why he stuck to you, I think. Welcome here, I am very happy you joined us. If you have photos, that would be great. I'd love to see this lucky bird :)

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Hell Tawney and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Congo.


It was just meant for you to have this grey, he selected you and fortunately for you his present owners recognized the fact that he didn't belong with them but with you.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have, we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Congo you would like to share with us we would love to see him. If you need help with the pictures read the FAQ section there is a piece on posting pics on the site.

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