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Greetings Everyone!


It seems like for ever since I was last on line. I hope everyone is doing well.


We are finally at home in Florida! Bella and Jiggy stayed with my daughter for two weeks while I was getting things settled with the house. Bella is such an easy girl to take care of! She was very friendly with my daughter, her husband and of course my grand baby, but she wouldn't let them scratch her head or pet her or show any kind of affection to her. She would sit on someone's shoulder, step up, and allow herself to be carried around, but that was it.


Jiggy, after being a total biter for two days settled in and was a total love bug to everyone. But not my Bella - she was stand offish and distant.


But - once she got into her new house, she and Jiggy took to it immediately and are very much instantly at home. I think this move may have been so easy for them as they are so young - just like children - they adapt easily?


Well, Bella is chattering away and she freaked out the cable guy :woohoo: I stepped away and Bella started asking "where did she go?" over and again. Finally the cable guy came to me, sputtering a bit but he finally got it out what was puzzling him - he said "I know this sounds wierd, but I think your bird wants you" :lol: :lol: :lol: I reassured him it's ok - he was hearing correctly :woohoo:


So - I hope 2Girls' move went well with Angie and Josie.


Look forward to chatting with everyone again!!




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Terri I am happy to hear you are finally home. Enjoying your new home? I love mine. So much space. Also glad to hear both Bella and Jiggy have settled down.


Both mine are loving their new "spots" in the living room. They have full view of us most of the time. Angie is not chewing her feathers at all but strangely started biting, agressively so. When I let her out of her cage she climbs to the top and if I so much as try to take her off she bits to hurt! Last night she was on the floor, I had no problem picking her up and putting her on her favourite chair in the living room. She sat there happily cleaning her feathers and chatting.


When time came for them to go to bed, she would not let me near her to remove her. I did the usual step up routine, even tried holding a bowl of butternut in front of her to distract her from my finger, to no avail. I finally switched off all the lights and she then got onto my finger.


Any suggestions, ideas or reasons for this. She was always more nippy than Josie, but never this bad. And to come to think of it, it started in the old house even before the packing and move took place. Just got worse now.




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Hi there !


I'm glad to hear you're settled in as well. Don't you hate moving??


Bella got a bit nippy during the move as well. I bought this new play gym which my daughter put on her lanai. Bella enjoyed that quite a bit and when my daughter tried to bring her inside, she would nip. My daughter was hesitant to push the issue so she let Bella get away with it. When I came to pick her up she tried to pull that on me as well and the minute she did it I put my hand in front of her very asertively and told her to step up and then I brought her face to face with me and I gave her a stern look and told her very sternly "no bite!" She knocked that off pretty quickly realizing she can't get away with that with mom.


Jiggy on the other hand was just terrible the first few days - he was as nasty as could be at my duaghter's house. He was biting everyone! After a few days he settled in and knocked it off.


With mine I think they could tell I was anxious about their move and they took advantage of all the sympathy they were getting LOL.




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Hi Nychsa!!!


It has been forever ;-)


It sounds like you are all settled in basically now and things are returning to normal for you and your reunited flock.


They are letting you and the "care takers" know though, that THEY should have been included in all the unpacking fun and would have helped you immensely in reducing it all to fine rubble for easy trash canning. :-)


Great to have you back and well!!

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Hi there Dan!!


Thank you for the 'welcome back' - it's good to be back!


Bella did help in a good deal of the move :P She particularly enjoyed hanging curtains and window treatments with me. She loves the ladder. I think we were fit for one of those funniest home videos! I would go up the ladder and she would follow and then she'd stand at the rung where my feet are and then she'd start nipping my toes and when I moved away she'd say "ouch, ouch ouch" :lol: She then climbed up my leg, got on to my shoulder and when I stretched my arm out to hold something I wanted to nail in, she climbed out on to my arm and thought it was great we were so high up and I was giving her this wonderful branch to hang on to!! I was sweating bullets!! She's only 500 grams, but that makes all the difference in the world if you have your arm stretched out holding something!


So, I put her back on her play top and she attacks her toys like a maniac growling as fiercely as can be and screeching at her toys and then she stops abruptly, sits up and says "beep beep" :lol: :lol: :lol:


Yes, the madness is back to normal!

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Thank you Tracy! It's good to be back.


I do need to get a videocam Siobahn - my son wanted it to come from him as a gift, but, well, that's been a while and I don't want to offend him by charging forward - so, I'll solve that dilema and then get one :laugh:


Bella is a hoot - she's a ball of constant energy, constantly getting into some kind of trouble. Add to that, I think she might be molting because she has a couple of jacked up feathers that look like they're falling out.


So, you take her behavior - that naughty girl routine, and combine that with those jacked up feathers and you have quite the comic character. Oh lordy, speak of the devil, she just jumped all over my keyboard so she could get to lamp again and pull on the chords. When I told her 'no, no', she goes 'ouw, ouw, ouw' :woohoo:

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Thanks MommaFawkes! Yes, I recall you sharing that Fawkes was a rascal too. Bella can be as naughty as the day is long, I mean really petulant, and then in the evening she snuggles up to me as tight as she can and makes her lovey sounds. Last night I asked her why she couldn't be so sweet all the time and as if she understood me she started nibbling on my fingers like "aww, but you don't mind" *sigh* I'm grey whipped!:laugh:

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Moving is such a hassle but glad it is done and over with and now you can join your friends here on the forum for we have missed you and the stories of the antics of Bella and Jiggy. Now you will have to makeup for lost time, I am dying to hear more:laugh: :P

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Hi there Judy! Thank you for the "return" greeting :) I'm sure Bella and Jiggy will provide plenty of entertainment. I need to have a long conversation with my son so we can get over this lack of video cam thing - Bella does need to be filmed! She is such a riot! I swear she knows every time I'm on this web site! Here she comes again! She was peacefully playing with her toys and all of a sudden - here she is!! I better play a bit with her, she's doing her "beep beep" routine again and is nibbling on my toes!

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