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I got a Grey!


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Yes I agree as well, the wings are just going to have to grow out. And just watch as they grow in, they won't all come in at the same time and will cause off balance as well. But being a year old, he should have flown more than a few times, but it doesn't matter when they can't fly or don't have the right clip to glide. So just take care of him and watch carefully.


As for the advice Dave gave you he is absolutely right. The key is Patience and I can't even tell you how much, but it will be a bunch lol. For some it comes easy, others like myself and SweetHeart (TAG) will be one on May 10th we have been working on things for 6 months and still working. And this is just for little things like neck scratches and back petting. So just take your time and little by little every day work with him, but it has to be an every day thing with you working with him. Just 15 minutes at a time and about 3 or 4 times a day pull him off and work with him and focus on his step ups first. Those are the most crucial to make him do. And I do say make him cause it's non negotiable. Don't think oh he doesn't want to, he has to know you mean business when you say step up and he must follow through with it. But say you need him to step up in the long run and he thinks he can not do it, but if he doesn't step up he will get hurt and you don't have the time to play around, he needs to know you have to step up when I give this command, that is one that you can not give into.


Besides that, just work with him daily, he'll come around. SweetHeart is slowly but surely coming around. Just takes bunches of time and sometimes not much time at all for others. But just keep the worst in mind and hopefully it will be sooner than later.

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The first vet we used butchered Harrison too. I didn't know it at the time, though. At the next well visit, they went to look at her wings and they were all chewed up...they told me I'd better change something because I had a bird at the beginning stages of feather plucking...I was devistated!! Well, we took her to a different vet...they looked at her wings and told us (this is 8-10 months after the butcher job by the 1st vet) that she was chewing her wings because when she folded her wings in, they were poking her sides because "someone" clipped her wings badly. She was poking her sides and it was irritating her...the vet suggested red palm oil and did some other things not related to her wings. The red palm oil really helped, I think. Anyway, her wings are grown all the way in now and she flies beautifully. It took 2 years for her wings to grow back. But, I think the reason it took so long is she kept breaking them...one would grow in, she'd have one flight feather and she'd go to fly and it would break. Some how she was able to grow some in all at the same time so that she didn't have that problem of the lone feather breaking when she'd fly.

I would highly suggest using red palm oil, several members use it. If you need help with the dosing, that's no problem. It's good for their feathers, skin, and it helps dander.

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You'll be much better off when you realize that mistakes can happen and so will your bird. Everyone makes mistakes. You didn't know everything. No one does. Another important thing is that you can understand that most advice comes to a person is actually for the welfare of the bird. Some people don't like to accept the fact that mistakes happened. Others do realize it and making corrections is the next thing order of business. No one is scolding you. All of us are strictly thinking about your bird and all the other birds especially ones that are temporarily disabled. You've got a lot of happy days ahead of you. More importantly, I'm glad that you understand that strict training doesn't have to be done.


""""""but I have stuck my hand in there to try and get him to step up, which I now believe was a mistake on my part.""""""""'


As far as the hand in the cage, there's loads of people here that will tell you that they learned the hard way that some greys simply don't want a hand in their home. Once the bird is out, all sorts of chores can be done.


""""""""""As for the stepping up, thanks for telling me it's okay to just let him be until he's comfortable with us. I was told that I must be in control and make my birds step up so they know who is dominant but that just feels wrong and I'm glad you gave the advice you did."""""""""""


Because you realize that now, you're gonna have a much more secure bird who's gonna try and make friends with you. It was important that you know that it doesn't have to be done---Good luck


PS--Please send the person who butchered the bird's wings to us. We have a special dundgeon in our basement here. Let's just say that it's the place where a few of us *talk* to the person.





Sunny--- Vergil ---Paco---- Floyd--- Skye ---- Poncho--- Taz --- Sparky --- Ozzie--- Buffy --- Roxy---Joey --Maxi ----Dusty ----Sammy---- Gumby ---- Cisco ----Paddy -----Romeo--- Buster---- Sunshine---- Scooter---- Moonshine ----Sugar---- Sweetie ---- Tazzy------ Petey---- Juan ----- Tiger -----Tweets ----Keiko---Cody---- Okie -----Rexxy----- Chipper -----Minnie ----- Bart----- Ricki ----Kiwi ----- Sunny -----Reba ----Tino----- Buddy---- Angel ------Yuska -------Zelda ----Tookie -----Harley ------ Buster -----Zoey -----Jax----- Ricky------ Princie ---- Mokie-----Coco -----Penny----- Molly ------ Peaches -----Candy -----Ozzy------ Bandit --

Oscar ------Tango------ Sweet Pea ------ Hogan ------Harry------ Sophie----- Rosa ----Robbie ----- Casper ----- Elvis ------ Chipper--- Sweet Pea -----Nibbles----- Sparky------Mickey----Suger ----- Dusty------ Rocky------ Belle<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/22 18:17

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I apologize for giving the advice about making the bird step up, this is what I was told and honestly I never ever have had a trouble with SweetHeart our almost 1 year old TAG. She steps up to everyone. Our Quaker on the other hand is a different story and we have been told with any bird that if you get the upper hand when it comes to the step ups than accidents won't happen such as if you let them go in the past, and the bird flies over to another bird cage and here comes that bird inside the cage ready to get a toe, and you ask the bird to step up to save it and he doesn't step up he can get his toe bit or even lose it if it's a bigger bird inside the cage. Which I think is very true. If he was trained to step up than he will do so on command and can avoid dangers when they arise. That's what we were told and I thought it made good sense? I do not force train any of my birds, or she would be trained by now lol. I know you weren't saying I was, but I myself now am wondering what I did wrong, because she is still not wanting to be pet, but than again I know they aren't cuddly so that could just be her. But I do apologize if that was bad advice, it just made sense when a bird was in danger that if they wouldn't step up you could have many more problems on your hands.

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LOL! Ronda that was not bad advice! Everybody trains them differently. Fawkes I give the option to step up where Aries and Pocco I dont give them the option. I personally understand your method because I have cats and if one of my birds lands ont he floor it is crutial that they know they need to step up right away! But just depends on the owner and the home environment I think. Both ways are good :)

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Oh Ronda! No, it wasn't you! I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. I appreciate all of the advice I've been given on here! There was a lady at a pet store that I spoke to and she tole me they have to step up and be laddered so they know who is boss, otherwise they'll think they are dominant over you etc. It just didn't sound right to me.

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LOL No hard feelings, like I said that is the way I was told as well, and like Tiffani said (mammafawkes) I think it matters to what you have in your home and your conditions. Cause for one we have dogs, cats, kids and other birds lol. It is kind of a must for our birds to step up and not always because we want to hold them it's for their safety because of the zoo we have lol. But for each their own, and no there are no hard feelings at all Pchela we are all here to give our opinions and our experiences.

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