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will they ever get on?


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i have a 2 yr old african grey and a new baby 5 month old,the 2 yr old is semi tame and likes my hubby the best,i get a stoke about once a day.the baby is tame and seems to be taking to me. since we got the baby the 2 yr old has become quite agressive to me and other members of the family,she will fly to our heads and bite and put hair.both greys have their own cages and i let them out together,when i do the 2 yr old chases the baby so much she comes and hides and sits with me.


my question is why is the 2 yr old acting like this ,is she jealous? because of space i would have liked to put them in the large cage together but i dont think thats going to happen. how can i make this situation better please?

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What I would do is go back to square one. Place the cages at a distance apart and give them seperate out times at the moment. Always feed and fuss the older Grey first followed by the baby.


He is jealous and he needs reasurance that he is still just as important as he was before the baby arrived. Over time you can slowly move the cages closer together and begin allowing them to spend very short periods of time out together. The slower you take things the more likely they are to be successful.

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Only time will tell. The likelihood of them ever being in the same cage is extremely low. It is rare that birds other than breeding pairs will be safe/stable in the same cage, even siblings etc may fight quite badly.


There is certainly some jealousy going on with the older more established bird. The new bird is seen as a threat, at least for attention. Again, you need to be patient and see how they adapt to accept each other.

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