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Good update about a bad petstore...

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Some of you remember almost a year ago I went to a pet/feed store near my friend's house...they had parrots in horrid conditions...there was a Grey there who had chewed off his tail and just looked so sad...poop all over the cages...dirty water...etc...I reported them to the authorities and got pretty good results right away...anyway, I went back there today with camera in hand. I was expecting to see what I had seen the first time I was there...but nooooo, it was much much different...so much better. The cages were in good condition...food and water was good...they were snuggling with a cockatoo...I fell in LOVE with that cockatoo there. If I didn't have a husband, I'd have that bird right now...LOL. She was so sweet!! I asked about the Grey above because I didn't see him there. The woman who works there (I think she remembers me as the person who reported them) said that someone bought him and he is so much better now. He's allowing people to handle him, talking, etc...she was telling me as if she was excited to say it so I believe her. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys...those of you who remember those awful photos I posted here...yay...no more bad photos. :)

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Yes I remember that Heather and I am so glad to hear they have cleaned up their store and are taking better care of their pets. You certainly did the right thing and so happy that grey got a good home.


Thanks for updating us about that Heather, we can make a difference, we just have to speak up about it.:)

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