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I am hoping to find out some information on my baby Congo, she is 4 months, Her handfeeder and caregiver was a young male, we brought her home and she

loves my husband, just tolerates me. when she sees him she makes baby noise and crouches, she bites me lol, even drew blood


. Will she always love him and always tolerate me? I am the one who takes care of her, holds her, plays with her ect. in hopes she will love me.




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Jennifer this is what most greys do, they pick a favorite person and it is not necessarily the one that feeds and does all the care for them. And she is probably more favorable to men as a man was her caregiver.


There is nothing you can do to if she has picked your husband as her favorite but you can still have a relationship with her but in a slightly different way. She will favor him but if you are the one to give her the treats and such she will be more accepting of you. Maybe you can interact with her when he is not in the room for if he is there she will naturally gravitate towards him.


If she is your bird and not his then you do all the feeding, cleaning and playing with her that will help make her more accepting of you. Hope this helps and others will chime in with more helpful info for you too.

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One of my greys is bonded to my husband, despite the fact that I spend more time with him than anyone. He is slowly, slowly coming round and will let me scratch him when my hubby is not around. But the second he even hears his Daddy, I am the worlds worst and he squeals for him.


You can have a relationship with your baby but it will take time and lots and lots of patience!

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I have also heard that at the age of 2, it's common for a grey to "drop" their favorite. I can't remember what happens next - if they focus their affection on someone else or just overall achieve independence.

So, maybe sometime around then you might become the favorite!

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I am new to greys, but I have read that training (like clicker training or positive reinforcement training of other kinds) can help you to develop a good relationship, even with a bird that does not "prefer" you. What do you more experienced folks think?

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