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Hi, After my experience today, I am making this post to warn all those NEW bird owners, who bought un-weaned birds, or just decided to raise one on their own.


I was feeding my new baby, Friday. Friday has a habbit of biting on the tube as usual. I made sure the tube was tight, but never thought this was possible. I was simply squeezing the syringe and I saw food dripping out the other side of his mouth. I looked at the syringe and the tube was GONE! I thought maybe I squeezed too hard and the tube is on the floor.


I looked everywhere, felt his crop, broomed my floor, moved the furniture to look for the tube, but nothing. Called my vet and got an appointment for the evening.


Then I turned to the net and started reading. Then I found a website that mentioned to use a LONG tube instead of a short one (I felt really stupid at this point and really sorry for what I had done).


I called the vet and rushed there. Thanks to Judy and lovemyGreys.


Finally, a doctor did a minor surgery on my baby and got the tube out. Also, he told me the tube I was using was too thick for a bird Friday's size. He gave me some good tube and syringes to use and anti-biotics too for the next three days. The baby was not screaming/crying a lot after the surgery and was very quiet.


Now after an hour, he is all normal again.

The stitches, the doc said, will come out on their own in a few days, or I can go see him again.


Thanks for reading!

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Fal, im so relieved this story had a happy outcome,it so easily could have gone the other way.Regardless of the feeding methods people choose there is always the risk that something may go wrong.You story will serve as a warning for others. I must say my preferred method for feeding a a baby grey would be the spoon as it doesn't carry the associated risk of the tube coming off in the babies crop.Thank you for posting this warning for others.Please keep us updated on Friday ;)

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Fal I think she means the grey not this Friday, thats what you get for naming it a day of the week, LOL.


Glad to hear it turned out well for him, what a scare you gave us today and yourself too but I know Tracy and I feel relieved to know he is going to be fine.:)

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