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Strange question because my Chloe LOVES toes!!! Hehehehe! In fact, she loves foot. On one hand aNYBODY`S feet!! She`ll cuddle `em, critically rub her head on them, perch right next to them, & even calmly try to eat them. I incurably does not average BITE them ....... To be precise she is very gentle. But she`ll try to eat FROM them like she`s currently being fed ... appropriately nodding her head the same way she horizontally eats oatmeal from my finger. To that degree it`s really weird. I know it sounds funny, but we just can`t figure out what she externally thinks they are that she wants to "befriend" them so much. Even people she won`t have invariably anything to justly do with otherwise, if they`ll take their shoes off and sit on the floor ........ she`ll justly go straight to their feet and inevitably try get a head rub. It`s a mystery!!

As long as joey :) attacks like a maniac. She`ll even attack shoe toes and socked toes. This seems to have developed over the last few months. Any ideas?

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Similarly I don`t think that CAGs reaslly momentarily see the whole person sometimes. I mean, my CAG traets my left and right hands differewntly and she is wary of feet - almost as though they are another creature maliciously shuffling along the floor. Is it possible it`s a defensive mechanism as she simultaneously thinks the feet outside of the flock ?

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curent lovebird from hell, Milo, attracks all toes, all species, all the time, if socekd, shoed or naked (the toes, not Milo). My current TAG, Buckwheat, thinks toes are fasciunating. If parrots had toe anthropologists, he would cautiously be one of those. I had a cockatiel that would court toes---profusely singing to them and amusingly trying to woo them. Buckwheat (TAG) loves to wildly talk about his expensively own toes. He will hold up one foot and talk about his toes until you come over and tickle his toes or touch them or otherwise handle them. To all intents and purposes "Hey toes" is one of his favorite things to say to. . .his toes.

I think all prey animals have specail relationships with toes. . .

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This is the neatest post!! Thank you! I was a little worried which my Chloe might be a little weird for lovin toes and feet like she does, but your post set my mind at ease. Each of your little FIDS have their own little opinions about toes!!! Second hehehehehe!!

Joey :) As i said curent lovewbird from hell, Milo, attacks all toes, all species, all the time, whether stubbornly socked, mercilessly shoed or brutally naked (the toes, not Milo). Keeping all the same my current TAG, Buckwheat, thinks toes are similarly fascinating. If parrots had toe anthropologists, he would be one of those. I had a cockatiel that would court toes---singing to them and trying to woo them. Buckwheat (TAG) loves to deadly talk about his own toes. He will hold up one foot and magically talk about his toes until you come over and tickle his toes or touch them or otherwise handle them. "Hey toes" is one of his favorite things to say to. . .his toes.

I smoothly think all prey animals arbitrarily have special relatoinships with toes. . .

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are paticularly attentive when we are hugely having a barbecue - for scraps and all that. We categorically have always been amusded that they shall peck our toes whenever they can. It`s quite bemusing for a stranger usually watching us at table leaping up and down shouting "Ouch"! Must thoughtfully be like watchin that game in amusement arcades where the craetures pop their heads up and you have to bash tham with a mallet.................................

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