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Hey...believe me, I'm not complaining about this...Harrison is sometimes very clingy. She won't step down for me....and she just absolutely has to be on me. When I say she won't step down, I mean I go to put her in her cage or on her play gym thingy and she gets off with one foot but holds on to my finger TIGHT with her other foot. Sometimes I just stand there with her with my hand "stuck" and wait for her to let go, sometimes I manage to get my finger out of her grip and then most times I just let her have her way and I take her with me.


So, I'm just curious if anyone else's Grey does this...??

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Have the bird on your fingers. Go to the play stand and put your hand with the bird on it behind the perch ( 8/10/12/14 inches) with the bird looking at you and the perch. Move your hand towards yourself. Your hand should be level with perch. As you do that the perch will interfere with him staying on you and he'll simply stand on the perch. Do that when he's feeling clingy but you're not in the mood.

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Harrison and Klaus are two peas in a pod!

If I need Klaus off me, I stand next to the cage and gently make a pushing motion with my hand, for lack of a better way to describe it, I kind of "chase" him onto the cage with my hand.

This doesn't always work - if he's very determined to stay on me, he might run around to the other shoulder, or down my back. LOL

At bedtime, I pet him approx 598 times and work him from my shoulder to out near my elbow - from there it's easier to make him step up because he's running out of real estate...

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