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Yeah--It's a fantastic comedy show about a retired detective who has EXTREME OCD but can solve the most difficult crimes. So far it's in the 6th season and going strong. He's also totally paranoid about everything imaginable. In the show he visits his shrink 2 times a week and he wishes it could be 5 days a week.


The star, Tony Shaloub, has already won 4 emmys in a row for his portrayal of the character who's name is Adrian Monk


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/19 00:44<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/19 00:48

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Law and Order

next week, actor Jesse Martin leaves the show permanently. My opinion..Best police actor in the show was Jerry Orbach--died 4 yrs ago.

best prosecutor is Sam Waterson. Been watching that show for years. Also, Law and Order SVU is also very good. Best ADA was hard nosed Abby. In her eyes it was the needle in the arm all the time. Have no mercy


Monk--It's impossible to say which episode is the best. It's one of those shows that's the best each time you watch it. Just when you think they can't go any farther, out comes a more insane episode. Can never get tired of that show. It's gonna be hard to replace the shrink. Remember the episode where he visits another shrink who has a missing hand??<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/19 01:43

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I started this thread and I now realize that I was being selfish by not including Tracy aka LMG.


I could is that when I read that simple sentence that she wrote which was Sorry Dave is it a US programme ?

I could see how left out she felt, somewhat like a person on the outside looking in

Sadly, that was the last thing she wrote in the thread. She couldn't comment. She was bewildered. She couldn't see how happy we were when we talked about our great TV show. She could only stand there feeling lonely and left out and could only look in as a stranger would look in.


So, to include Tracy, I'll mention one other show that originates in the UK. This should make her feel like she's a part of things.

The show is a very high tech spy show. It's the UK version of our CIA and NSC. The show comes off as being very accurate, cold hearted, warmhearted and deadly in what goes on in the covert underworld regions of different countries. When a spy belongs to this organization, that person then belongs to the COMPANY, body and soul The show covers everything we're familar with right now..terrorists, bombings, double agents, weapons of mass destruction, nuclear power etc, etc. The actors are fantastic. One of them has gone on to be the main star of Pride and Prejudice. To me, it's something I make sure I watch every week. It can only be seen on the BBCA station here in the US.

The genuine quick, snapping heavy accents of the brits is sometimes hard to follow. They talk so damn fast. It's so real that I need to activate closed captioning on the TV to make sure I know what they're saying. As a matter of fact,the announcer tells you to put the CC on because of the different accent.

It's the only show that has 2 different names

In the UK, it's known as Spooks

In the US, it's known as MI 5


The show will starting it's 6th season in the UK. There's a 2 year delay as far as broadcasting here in the US. We're watching the 3rd season here while in the UK, they're viewing the 5th season


So Tracy, welcome to the conversation.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/19 06:38<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/19 06:45

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