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We woke up this morning at 4:36am by the sound of Coco (our CAG)thrashing around in her cage.She was very scared,but I couldn't figure out what the problem was.I found out a little later that Illinois had an earthquake at the exact same time that was felt over 800 miles away.My wife or I either one felt it but Coco must have:ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/18 19:08

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My CAG Rascal went nuts at about the same time, and boy was she scared! Some of my coworkers said they felt it themselves - I didn't because I woke up to her thrashing and was too busy getting over to the cage to calm her down.


Fortunately she stopped thrashing as soon as I turned on the lights and I was able to take her out. She didn't object to me handling her, but that poor bird was scared out of her mind. It took me almost an hour of petting her and talking softly to get that terrified look out of her eyes.


Why do so many birds freak out over earthquakes? I can't imagine them being particularly dangerous where these birds natively live.

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wildmike556 wrote:

My CAG Rascal went nuts at about the same time, and boy was she scared! Some of my coworkers said they felt it themselves - I didn't because I woke up to her thrashing and was too busy getting over to the cage to calm her down.


Fortunately she stopped thrashing as soon as I turned on the lights and I was able to take her out. She didn't object to me handling her, but that poor bird was scared out of her mind. It took me almost an hour of petting her and talking softly to get that terrified look out of her eyes.


Why do so many birds freak out over earthquakes? I can't imagine them being particularly dangerous where these birds natively live.

I don't know,but we have had some pretty loud thunder lately that really didn't seem to bother Coco much if at all.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/04/18 19:41
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I had a similar experience. Around 4:40ish I awoke to the thrashing of all my flock. After turning on the lights, talking reassuringly and giving them all a nutraberry treat, they finally started to settle down. Then I noticed that not only was my mother Timneh off her clutch of eggs but also one of my Senegals had broken a blood feather and was bleeding. So I had to wait and monitor her until I was assured she was going to be okay. I had no idea what had scared them at the time, until I saw on the news this morning about the earthquake. I'm just outside of Kansas City, MO- we're quite a ways away from the actual earthquake. I have talked to another friend who said her mother's bird also woke her up thrashing this morning. Needless to say (for those of you who've ever been woken up by a bird with nighttime terror) it was an earthshaking experience for all of us!

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Lyric, Charlie was freaked for quite a while afterwards. He lost all the flights out of one wing when it happened to him. I now leave 2 night lights on for him and found this helps. Hope yours are ok and will settle down. It also makes you quite nervous for a while afterwards. I found I didnt sleep to good listening out for him, not that it will happen again but just being a worried mummy lol:)

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Oh man, My flock sure felt it!!! I posted the thread in otherbirds. Poor Aries is still losinf feathers! I think its up to 25 now! He only has one tail feather left. Pocco lost one feather and Fawkes just beat one up. SCARY night, I have NEVER heard my amazons scream and I did this AM....I posted my thread before I knew about the Earthquake and the odd thing is Chicago is pretty far from me, but my friends in MN said their birds also freaked out at the same exact time. Glad to know what caused it but I was so scared!

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We have earthquakes in California pretty regularly. Each time it scares the heck out of Kip, particularly if they happen at night. Its very scary for them to be woken up with no one around and the very thing they consider to be stable is rattling around and maybe even shaking them out of sleep off their perch. Kip seems to have taken them all in stride, though she is literally "shaken" up and scared for about 1/2 hr after it happens. I think Coco will be fine. ;)

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