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Parrot foot problems


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My parrot has sore looking patches on the padding of one of her feet.. They started of as just one little pink mark and gradually started to cover the rest of the padding on that foot. I took her to the vets (avian) a few weeks ago and she suggested a ointment for it, i have been using this stuff for nearly two weeks now, and have saw no difference.


I tried to take a pic of her foot today so i could show you, but the best i could do is the one that i have attached, i'll try again later to get a better picture and post when i can. In the picture im posting you can sort of make out the reddness. She lets us touch it, and it causes her no pain, but im still worried about it!


Any help greatly apreciated x

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Hi shelly_quin,


You may not wish to hear this, but if the padding is still raw and not responding to treatment. You should take him back to the vet.


What types of perches do you have?


Has your Grey possibly burned his Pad somehow? Do you ot the vet have any ideas what may have started this?

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she has java wood perches, which the vet says are prett good for her feet. The vet says its nothing to worry about, abd said that all i would need to do was apply this germicidal barrier ointment, and its a pretty well respected vet, but i just dont know what to do. Theres nothing in her cage at all hat she can hurt herself on,and everything gets properly cleaned on a daily basis with hot water.. Since using the cream i'd say her little foot looks worse :(

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nah she's not in any pain with it, she lets us touch it and it doesnt bother her at all.. i agree about the ointment, and have made another appointment for her next week at the vet. There isn't any open skin or anything like that, it just looks really tender, and i would hate to think that she was in pain and we didn't do anything about it :(

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yes just get it checked out again to be sure ;)


Just to add, Your parrot spends 100% of its time on its feet,Perches should be of different diameters and should vary in size. Do not limit your bird to one perch.Excessive perching on a cement perch which we all use to keep their claws trimmed can also cause some irration to some grey's feet.Regularly check the bottom of your bird's feet for sores or pink spots ;)

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thanks for all your help.. :)


made her an appointment, and spoke to the vet, and shes agreed that i shold stop using the cream ;).


Her perches are all different sizes and shapes, she doesnt have any cement perches :) just changed all her perches around a little while ago and cleaned them all again, and put a few new ones in lol... Im trying to upload the picture of her feet to this page :cheer:

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  • 2 weeks later...

just a little update...


Had her at the vets again, and the vet said that she gave her the wrong cream :angry: sooooo, she gave me the consult free :) and told me just to bathe her little foot daily with aloe vera juice, which i got from tesco :)Her foots gradually starting to look better ;) she seems to like getting her little foot rubbed, and puts the other one up to get some cream to, although there is nothing wrong with that one lol..


Michelle and Adanna ;)

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