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Help me figure this out!!!!!!! SCARY!


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I was sleeping, about 20 minutes ago when I heard thrashing and screaming coming from all over my room. I woke up and turned on the light s and Pocco was on the floor next to me walking around, Aries was thrashing in his cage and Fawkes was doing the same in hers. Something spooked them and I have no clue what it was...maybe a car or something? Anyways nobody is bleeding or anything but Aries must of landed on his tail, he now only has one feather for a tail and his primaries are pretty rough looking....I literally have about 20 feathers from in and around his cage. His wing seems a little banged up, the feathers are all out of place and he is holding his wing a little odd. It doesnt seem to be causing him pain but it looks oddly uncomfortable. My question is any ideas on what the heck might of happened? What can I do to prevent it from happening again, and how often do amazons molt? Is it once a year, if so I sure hope he starts his molt soon...poor guy! Fawkes seems pretty much fine, she has one feather that looks a little beat up and Pocco is fine. They all are a little wound up but im a little worried about Aries. Thanks in advance!

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Well this occurred early this morning: Illinois earthquake sways buildings, shuts airport Link:




I am not certain where you live, but all critters are much more sensitive to the earth and environment than we are.


It sounds like something of this nature set them all off.


I am so sorry to hear of the tail and wing damage, poor baby must have really been traumatized!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/18 15:56

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OK it was the earthequake in chicago, Im in WI and I have friends in MN that said their birds freaked out at the same time! First off since when are there earthquakes in CHICAGO? Thanks for the info!!!


Aries seems ok....just missing about 20-30 feathers and has a couple sticking out. Wow I knew birds were sensitive but sheesh! That was so scary!

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Hey MommaFawkes- I had the same experience this morning and I live just outside of Kansas City in Missouri! One of my Senegals ended up breaking a blood feather and my mamma Timneh was off her clutch of eggs. I had to wait til everyone settled down and then monitor the bleeding Senegal to be sure it was going to be okay. I had no idea what had happened either until I saw it on the news this morning! They have had episodes like this only occasionally throughout the whole time I've had them all but never quite this bad. We might have to sleep with some lights on tonight to make sure everyone is settled and feels secure. It definitely jarred me out of my peaceful nights rest.

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Everybody is still a little shook up, Aries doesnt want to come out of his cage and Fawkes doesnt want to step up, Pocco is lunging at anything that moves near him. Here is a picture of the feathers Aries lost, he lost a few more since the time I took the picture though.



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Ok I will have shane run to wal-mart and pick up 2 night lights, one for my room with the bigger birds and one for the bird room...as far as I know the birds in the bird room were not bothered but just incase I want them to feel safe too! Here are pictures of Aries and his lone tail feather! Poor guy:(















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Awww poor Aries, but he will grow another set of tail feathers soon, at least he doesn't look as bad as Kristin's Makena, he has chewed all his tail feathers off down to the nubs, you should check out the pics she posted of him, poor little thing.:(


Here is the link to Makena and his missing tail


http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/73371-haloperidol.html#73511<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2008/04/19 02:24

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  • 5 months later...

I just came across this thread so i thought I would update you all!


Aries speant the lst few months after the qauke as a scared little guy, he never wanted out of his cage and was not the same bird he was the day before the qauke. He did grow in the tail feathers nicely and his wing was fine.


This last week he finally decided he was ready to be out in the worl with us again! he is back to being my sweet little boy who follows mom through the house, flying to me and landing on my arm. He even started talking now, wich he has never done before. So it was a long road to recovery but we made it and hes better than ever before! While trying to coax him back out of his shell I received many painful nips but I was persistent and any time he would step out of his cage he was showered with praise and treats..wich he loved. I recently went on a toy shopping spree and he really liked the new stuff I got him, that got him playing again and soon after he was ready to come out to be with me again. He now steps us whenever asked...except bedtime..he still hates bedtime. He takes treats nicely and has finally let me pet him! So yes he was very traumatized by the qauke, but I am happy to say that after a few months he made a full recovery with no evident permanent damage! YAY ARIES!

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It's been a good heads-up for me to read this thread, as well as one on a similar experience Kaedyn had with Rigel last week in Georgia. Though a lot of people don't know it, parts of New England are actually quite quake-prone (including the area where I live) - and often it's the kind of geological activity that people don't really feel as a quake. Last year for instance (before I had Max) we had a rash of "odd explosive noises" and "odd smells" which turned out to be the result of natural methane gas expulsions. In October 2001 I was awakened by a 5.2 quake shaking my bed - I can just imagine how Max would've reacted to that! Anyway, since I expect I'll experience this at some point, it's been good for me to hear about how your birds have reacted - especially Aries's long reovery time. It really did rock his world - in the wrong way! - didn't it? So glad to hear he has MORE than recovered! You are to be much congratulated for successfully convincing him all is well - karma to you!

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Tiff, Im so glad that Aries fully recovered. My poor Charlie never did.

His flights took a good couple of months to grow back and when they did it was as though he had lost the ability to fly. he crash lands all the time now which results in losing the flights as quick as they grow. He asks to be carried around everywhere.

He changed from being a confident bird into a very nervous one. We have to be careful what noise we make or vibrations etc! I know all this sounds silly but all this happened back in February and he still cant fly now.

The new birds have brought him out of himself a lot and he loves their company, he is now my special needs bird and I love him to bits. Thats why I couldnt leave him and go on a family holiday this year, seems drastic but I have put a lot into Charlie and he only trusts me to handle him. Thats how needy he is right now.

This may change in time, I hope it does, if not I will always be here for him and will love him unconditionally no matter what:)

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Thanks for all the great replies everyone!


It was a long road, I was so sad for him becuase for a while it was really looking like he was going to choose to be a cagebound bird forever!


Casper, im so sorry about Charlie! But he could still get better. Greys can be so sensitive...im glad Fawkes wasnt greatly affected by the qauke becuase im sure she would of handled it much like Charlie has. Since the qauke Aries does drop his tail feathers easy..he has since lost them all again when my landlord went in my house when we were not home (we had no notice or I would have been home), but againt hey are coming in nicely. So I do think hes a bit more jumpy now than before, but I see this easing up more everyday too. Good luck with Charlie i hope in time he makes a full recovery like Aries has!

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