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Hello :).


My name is Heather. I live in Atlanta, and I work at a large retail chain pet store that shall remain nameless so that the internet gods don't smite me. My husband and I both love animals, and had been talking about getting a larger bird eventually. We had just about settled on a sun conure or african grey -- so when someone dumped an african grey in my store, I brought it home.


I am in the process of trying to find an avian vet that's not outrageous in price (the only one I know of had a horrible bedside manner when I met her, and was pricey to boot). I want to have the bird checked out and sexed. (S)he seems very active and healthy, steps up and down nicely, gives kisses, seems to love head scritches, and has a very interesting array of beeps and whistles, along with some muttering sounds which I can't decide what they are.


We are not new to birds -- we have a cockatiel and 2 gouldian finches. And at least since we were already discussing it, I have done some basic research... I know I have a lot more to learn though! When I got my finches one of the most valuable resources for me was the finch forum I joined, so... here I am :)

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Hello Heather and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. BTW, what is its name or are you waiting to know what sex it is before you name it?


Funny you mention the sun conure and the grey, those are the exact two species I have, I started with the sun then got the grey, I love both of them.


How old do you suppose this grey is, I am assuming not too old since it seems easy to handle and not doing much talking yet.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have, we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see it.

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I'm going to hold off on naming til I can have him sexed :). I really have no idea on the age. I have been babbling at him most of today (my day off), and I did get him to say hi, and he tried something else but I couldn't quite make it out.


Whoever had him obviously took pretty good care of him. The only thing that bothers me is how very clipped his wings are. I'm not against clipping but it looks like they cut ALL of his flight feathers, and I like my birds to be able to glide and not fall like a rock.


So far he loves broccoli, carrots, grapes, and you'd think that peanut that was in the seed mix was manna from heaven. I cook some eggs for my finches sometimes and he enjoyed a chunk of that too.


Not knowing what he'd been used to eating, I got a bag of seed mix, figuring he'd eat that for sure until I could switch him onto pellets. I'm still reading up on diet but my basic plan is for pellets with a variety of fruits and veggies and a little bit of whatever we're cooking for ourselves.


He snuggled me this morning -- boy does he love his head scritches.


I have a feeling he is young-ish. We used to get birds at my store that we still had to hand-feed for a few weeks, and this morning he was acting a little like they did when they were weaned, and knew it, but wanted to beg for more. Just for a few minutes...and of course I haven't seen anything bigger than a conure actually do it before...but that's what it reminded me of.

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One way to tell the age is the eyes, as recently weaned babies the eyes are dark then gradually lighten to gray then to a slight yellow.


You are providing him with a good varied diet with lots of veggies and the addition of pellets would round it out nicely.


Most greys love getting their necks scratched and will allow you to do it for as long as you can keep your hand moving, oh yeah that feels good!!!

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kitt79 wrote:

Bird fair is this weekend, I hope to get a good deal on some toys and maybe a nice big cage for him :)


It's great to have a new excuse to shop isnt it???


He is lovely and looks like he was well cared for. Congratulations!

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