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Incontinent parrot lol


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This is proberly a really common topic... but here goes anyway, i have a female congo, Adanna, and have been trying to potty train her for about 3 years, and not doing a very good job at it so far... My friend, and her daddy has tried many things, praise, little treats after it, you name it, we have tried it... Sometimes she's really good, others its poop central lol.. any help would be greatly appreciated as im slowly loosing patience with her and it lol:P bp2.jpg


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Hi shelly_quin & Welcome, There are many threads on potty training on the forum,if you use the search facility at the top of the page it will bring up all of the previous posts.this is just one of them..




The general way to is to learn to recognise when your grey is about to poo,take her to a designated area & give her a command to associate with.It takes time & receptiveness as im sure your aware ;)

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Also, remember that many greys can't be potty trained and there's nothing unusual about that. But it doesn't mean that your bird is incontinent. Greys and other parrots drop their big load in the morning and then they let go with small ones approx 30 to 50 min apart through out the day.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/17 18:55

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I potty trained my female...I would say "you go poopie" after she'd poop...now she says it when she has to poop and if she's somewhere I don't want her to poop, I put her on her perch and she poops there. Harrison was very young, though, when she started talking and she's talking up a storm now at 2 years old...does your bird talk? If so, it'll probably be easy to teach her something like what I explained.

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yeah Adanna talks a lot... to much sometimes lol, we say to her when she needs to go 'go up there' she says tha as shes walking up to her perch now, and we always tell her good girl, or whos a clever parrot, and the funny thing is she says both those sentances after she has went in the right place... i've took to cleaning her cage twice a day ow cause i was thinking maybe she doesn't like to go doodie when there is loads of poop there,still no difference though.


It's not all the time she does it, it's just when she thinks she can get away with it lol


Thanks for all the help and suggestions everyone xxx

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It seems Adanna knows what "Potty" is, it seems she decides if its worth her effort to go through the hassle of going to the "Official" potty spot or let it rip where she is. :-) Not much you can do about the latter.


If you are wanting to control it completely you could always check out a flight suite.

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