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hi guys.just wanna post that were very happy we got our first CAG last friday.we got it DNA'd and some test for viruses and just got the results today and came out neg and its a healthy baby girl and also did the check up at the vet and thankfully shes healthy .the breeder told me that it was 6 weeks old.were still handfeeding her and seems like shes fine.in the morning it was 379g before feeding, right now her weight is 435g after feeding last night..is that fine?.her weight has been going up everyday.and im wondering too ,after feeding and putting back in the brooder, she opens up her wings like stretching it out and diving into the pine shavings like rubbing her beak and sometimes nibbles on some.after maybe 5-10 min shes sleepy.is that normal?heres some picture...im waiting for my daughter later to ask whats going to be her name.heres a pic of her....ill add more soon thanks guys:)

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In case your breeder didn't say anything about future weight------as your grey gets older but is still on partial hand feedings plus solid foods, it will start to lose weight and basically drop down to an average weight which will basically stay the same as he /she gets older. Just telling you this in case you get worried when it happens.

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thanks a lot guys.the pics wont fit i need to resize them.as soon as i fixed it i will post it right away. and guys whats really good right now is when im calling her and telling her its time for breakfast,i put my hand in the brooder then she walks really slowly over to my hand and sits.im not over reacting,just really proud shes did that.


dave thanks for the info.usually what is the average weight?

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thanks love,by the way im wondering, after we feed her 45cc 40cc 50cc respectively on a day, after the next feeding her crop is really empty.i think she digest the food really fast.do you guys think i need to add some more to her feeding?or is there a problem?she doesnt throw out any formula that she eats.

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arrior please refer to the feeding guidelines on the formula packet or if in any doubt contact the breeder from whom you purchased the baby from.


The crop should be nice and rounded it should be quite noticeable that there is food in the crop it should feel spongy. Small bubbles should appear each side of the neck once you see these the chick has had enough to eat. These get harder to see as the chick gets older but by then you should have it under control. If you have feed too much the crop will feel hard. The crop is the buldge that forms in front of the chick after a feed.

you can start introducing soft food items to your baby when they are about 6-7 weeks old. They tend to only pick them up and drop them at this stage but that is part of the learning process of eating. Initially put soaked pellets and some soft fruits and vegetables in a fruit bowl for your baby to explore with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She sounds like she is doing very well. Her weight is spot on to what mine generally are at that age.


Can I just say to be careful with the pine shavings, they can try to eat them and choke to death. It's worth removing them and just placing kitchen roll in the brooder.


The wing flapping is perfectly normal and helps to build up her muscles.


If she isn't crying for more formula and is gaining weight I don't think you need to increase the amount. Might be worth making it slightly thicker.

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thank you dan.

guys i dont know if this is a problem or just normal,lately saphira's not finishing her feedings.yesterday afternoon she did not finish her lunch of 45cc,only 30cc.but at night she finished her 55cc.today i feed her 50cc this morning and she only took around 35cc.and then my wife gave her some water and she drank a lot.she's also eating some pellets around afternoon.this started just last saturday when she started to eat or play with the pellets and starting to perch.actually my wife saw her climb and perch on the brooder.can you guys help.right now she's scratching the newspaper at the bottom like trying to dig something.thanks in advance.

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As babies get older they start to refuse the mid day feeding and are ready to start to pick at new food on their own.This is a good time to introduce other foods such as cooked mix veggies,pellets etc...Scratching at the newspaper is quite normal, my boys did it for months & we have members whose greys still do it ;)

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