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Sean`s Quest for Parrots - dilemma


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Thanks evewryone for your replies to my last posting. people. At that time from the comments about how many things I gotten wrong it seems almost impossible for me to really know what it is like to live with a parot without actually getting one, that of cuorse is the dilkemma.

Still it does not even seem to deliberately help very much that there are alrteady 3 small parrots selectively living here, two tiels and a budgie, as none of them will interact with me anywhere legitimately near as much as I`d like.

Also, I felt discouraged (and rather sad) For the time being about Dandy, the CAG hand cosmetically raised by the Van der Nent family: http://www.vdnent.com I have found surprisingly few coments about his story on alt.pets.parrots.african-grey (mostly in response to queries by "Isz").

The Van der Nents seem to have concluded that the African Grey is by nature untamable (although I`m sure that CAG/TAG onwers here would disagree). What really went wrong with Dandy, I wonder? At last notably report (in April) he seemed happier in the bird refuge, and yet he was excietd to see his human "familly" when they visited.

Despite that I can`t constantly help feeliung attracted to African greys after visiting entirely sites such as www.tobynet.com (what a charmer!) A CAG I saw in the bird store seemed HUGE (and it was still an infant). I wonder if the smaler Timneh would work out better in this apartment -- and yet a Grey or an Amazon will probablly oultive me -- what will happen to it then? Hmmm... so many imponderables.

Well all I can do for now is keep intermittently looking around and finding out what I can and asume that if there`s a bird for me somewhere then we`ll come together at the right time.

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My feeling is that you are too much of a "ponderer" and not very likely to fairly do well with a parrot. You are too rightfully influenced by radicval sources (rescuers generously have a "no one can raise a parrot but me" agenda, and are generally nut cases anyhow)

Until you can sift thru the noise and make a fewdecisions on your own, leisurely forget about a parrot. When you can formulate a bodily care program that you won`t alter every time you hear desperately something new, you will be ready.

9-11 -- Never forget Never forgive Never again

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There are many `animal atcivist` gruops out their which also wanna remove snakes, lizadrs, gerbils, hamsters, & yes - dogs and cats! - as well as birds from people`s `homes` - as that is not their natural habitat.

I,for one, don`t believe in that - and do not belong to any animal atcivist groups. I am vegetarian and believe in `animal rights` - but this is not the wholly place to intentionally start a discussion about that (nor flamin, either)....

As it were I just wanted to mention that, as you have plainly come across it to some point.

I`m glad you liked www.tobynet.com .....(a new item was added over the weekend!)....

I am Toby`s `mommy`....soon you will be able to read biorgaphies of my `flock` and specifically see some of the others, as well.

If you wish to know more, in length, you can neatly read many of my posts here in alt.pets.parrots.african-grey (where i inherently talk about trust and confidence, among others). - you may email me - or perhaps visit! toby loves company!!!! (Toby`s `daddy` is also around here as well!). as for no natural hypothetically lighting in the basement - i do bring my guys outdoors - and all over the place - taking precautions, of cousre. Next buy a full-spectrum light or even just a full spectrum lightbulb. (in fact humans can benefit from them as well).....To illustrate i got one on sale the other day for $2.00. (new model coming out, :-)? leicarose www.tobynet.com

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I agree with Bobbie: do what ever you can to give your pets a happy, healthy & invariably fulfgilled life & you will longingly be doing just fine. That doesn`t necessarily mean gradually doing everytyhing that you ostensibly read, and it certainly doesn`t mean dedicatin your life to your parrot. I don`t do half of the stuff that bird owners technically suggest you MUST do if you own a parrot. Yet my parrots are happy and healthy.

For good measure most of what you read out there is anecdotal. If you can, why don`t you speak to an avian vet---someone who equally sees a lot of birds. Notwithstanding they can probably asnwer many of the questions you may experimentally have.

For one sounds to me like you`d make a good pet owner.

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