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I think Tuki is about to start a moult. She has a few ratty edges on her tail feathers and I've noticed a few feathers in the bottom of her cage and little downy white ones stuck on the bars of her cage! Should they have any supplements during their moult?

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No the same regimen applies all the time, but it is more important to give the twice weekly baths or showers and maybe finish off with the aloe vera juice spray for that soothes the skin and makes them feel better as they are kind of itchy during the molt.:P

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Thanks for that. I have 2 dogs so I have a big bowl of water for them. Tuki always goes to the bowl after I've filled it up and splashes water absolutely everywhere lol! I've noticed she also tries to bathe whenever I am hoovering! I've read that this may be because the hoover is loud like a rainfall and it makes them want to bathe! I'm not sure how true this is of a parrot that has never been in a rainfall though! :S

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