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Jenna's First Shower


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Jenna has been home only since Saturday, but I thought I'd take her into the shower with me to see how she did. I brought her in and put her on her shower perch and just let her watch for a few minutes; she was calm and watchful. So I took the handheld shower and aimed it toward the ceiling, letting the water fall gently on her. Jenna fluffed up her feathers and tried to catch the water with her beak. She did GREAT! Of course, I told her how wonderful she is (I do that about a thousand times a day)


I am so proud of my little girl, and more and more impressed with the great job the breeder did in socializing this baby bird. (I called the breeder to tell her that last night, and it made her cry ~smiles~) She loves her babies, that is for sure.


YAY for Jenna's first shower!!!

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So we got another grey that enjoys her baths and showers, wish mine did as she won't fluff up for me, but great going with Jenna.


That was a very nice thing to do to call the breeder and tell them what a great job they done with her, I know they appreciated that very much, karma coming your way.:)

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Raposa wrote:

~grins~ Where else could you talk about taking a shower with your bird and have people understand?


Good point :woohoo:


But I have to say I have never been quite brave enough. My guys get to shower all by themselves!!!

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  • 11 months later...

We got Mesa into the shower as soon as she came home. She is very calm by nature, nothing really fazes her. Very even, we are so greatful for that. She puffs up and wiggles around too. She showers at least 4-5 times a week. She sits on her perch and enjoys. Also, on her new Tower, the water bowl is large. She got in it yesterday!!:silly: She kept dunking parts of herself, a leg, her butt, etc and throwing it everywhere! She played for a long time-Loving it! We were so entertained. :laugh: The nearby plants got watered, and I had to wash the windows today!

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I love to hear about other's greys who love to shower or get into water, Josey only tolerates it but she does get a shower twice a week. She does try to bathe in her water bowl in her cage but she only manages to get the nearby area wet and not herself.

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Tyco doesn't mind her bath Shower combo as a matter of fact I think she actually enjoys them. what I do is I fill the bath a little before I put her in about 2inches of water then I turn the shower on fine mist and let the bath fill with water up to her crop she quite likes going in and out of the shower and slashing in the bath at the same time. by the time the water is up to her crop she ia soaken wet. I have never had her run away when I say its bath time so I would say she likes it. I have give Shady about 4 baths since I've had him/her but I haven't tried the shower yet Just a nice big bowl s/he doesn't seem to mind it at all S/he just sits and babbles baby talk to me while I throw water on her/him with my hand and get him/her all wet.:woohoo:

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Jenna gets a shower every day, either with me or in the sink, by recommendation of the vet since we're trying to get all her chopped off feathers to grow back in without further molestation from Jenna ~grins~ and she DEMANDS her shower. She starts asking for it as soon as I am stumbling around making coffee in the morning. "Want a SHOWER! Want a shower???" Funny girl

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ZZero loves his shower, he falls asleep! I just tried the water in the bottom of the tub with the shower running, when I thought we were all done he plain refused to step up he just wanted to sit there and dose off.


I take him everytime I go sometimes we get soaked somtimes he just steams on the curtain rod. I like to take baths and I bring him with me he sits on his basket and sings to me the whole time, I actually take twice as many baths now cause I love our alone time .

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