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Please Help! Trouble introducing grey to ANYTHING!


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Hi All,


New to this board, and to African Greys, I have had Corkey (5 years old) for about a month now, and on the whole she is brilliant, very friendly, hand tame, and talkative, never bites or screams at me, loves being touched and tickled. However I am having real trouble getting her to get used to ANYTHING such as toys, ladders, stands, ANYTHING, and wondered if there were any tips people can give me? The toys she had in her cage I've take out as she wasn't interested in them, the ladder I got to help her get in and out the cage she is petrified of it. Today I bought a proper parrot stand so she can be with us when eating, or so I could put her in another room when cleaning the cage out etc. But shes terrified of the thing.

How can I get her used to the stand? At the first sight of it she ends up trying to fly across the room and she won't go near the thing. Any advise would really be appreciated, I dont want to get rid of the stand as it will help me a lot, and mean I can spend more time with her in other rooms I hope.


Thanks in advance,



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hey james welcome to the board!


my merlin is a rather anxious little fellow, not even as sociable as yours! i am happily envious of you.


but, when i want to introduce something new (the ladder for instance which merlin was convinced was some new bird killing device) i placed it away from his cage but where he could see it. after about a week or so of his careful observation i then started placing it at his open cage door. took him a while to start using it, but now he gets big praise when his going up up up the ladder or down down down the ladder. and it is so rewarding seeing him sit like the little king he is on his ladder.


one thing i am continuing to learn is that a parrot is not a cat or a dog. my katz and dog are naturally curious about new things, but parrots see new things as threats. it has been a real transition to change my thinking around but it is an interesting journey.


merlin and i also have toy-making time during which he watches carefully while i build toys for him. then he knows they are not bird killers when i put them in his cage.


hope this helps!



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Thanks so much for your reply. My first thought was just as you did, but I guess I haven;t given her enough time. The trouble if i put the stand (or ladder) near her cage she will literally go right to the furtherest corner away from the stand/ladder in her cage and stay there, she didn't even eat anything this morning that I could tell, so I'm worried about leaving these things near her for any great length of time. But i do think you are right, she needs to learn somehow that its not a threat. I will continue to persevere I guess time is the important thing here right?





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Hi jj_qpr11,


You will need to place that ladder or any thing else new for that matter away from the cage, but with in sight. Then slowly move it closer day by day for your Grey to get comfortable with it. She has obviously not been introduced to many new things over her first 5 years and hopefully will become more accustom to change over time as you work with her on this.


Other than that though, she sounds like a wonderful addition to your family. :-)


Also, Welcome!!


Why don't yo introduce yourself in the New members welcome room when you get a chance? :-)

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Hey everyone, thank you all for your replies, that was so quick!! You all seem very nice and helpful I'm glad I found this place for mine and corkeys sake!

I'll go introduce myself properly now :)


Thanks so much again



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Those are the two words we preach here all the time, "time" and "patience", the most important words to a grey owner as it requires a lot of both when working with them.:whistle:


Try the suggestions the others before me gave you, it will help you in introducing new things to Corkey.:P

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Guest Rheashard0919

The one who said that his gray viewed an object as a parrot killer is correct. I read a book that said that some grays are truly phobic. It re-enforced what I stumbled upon by accident. Even a simple object,(my favorite baseball cap) can have plans for a parrot pot pie dinner.It recommend the following; Put the object in plain sight but at a distance the gray doesn't consider to be a part of their territory. Then move, the object around. If a toy play with it. As much as possible bring the gray towards it. Walk past it. Ignore it but watch your gray. Talk to it about something. Return your gray. Then you go and push it around, rattle it gently as push it around. Laugh at it. Make noises that your gray associates with fun. Your gray will see that you are having too much fun with this item . Their natural curiosity will be aroused. Slowly move the item within reach. Then go from there. The same is true for toys your gray won't play with. If he/she isn't afraid of the toy, YOU, play with it. Laugh and giggle with it. Your grays first play action will probably be to throw it around. But that is a start. I take my gray to the local Pets Mart and let her pick out her own toys. Toys she shows interest in or better yet TOUCHES are on the to buy list.

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Hey thanks. That is what I'm doing. I have the stand in view but at a distance and I'm slowly trying to get it closer to her. I put all her favourite foods in the bowls on it now, so she can see her treats are coming from it, and i make a point of touching it as often as possible.

Shes now at the point where she at least isn't stuffed up in the farthest corner of her cage, she'll come out and even walk past it with me, as long as shes on the opposite shoulder to it. So i think we're getting somewhere very slowly :)

Thanks for all the great help and support from you guys. And wow it must be good being able to take your grey into a petshop with you!





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