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Tiki has Arrived in her new home


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Hello Everyone. I am very happy to find this forum and let you know that I just brought home my 20 Week old female Grey from my breeder on Saturday.

She is doing great but the only problem i have is that she was not used to a cage and tons of human interaction. She is fully weaned. I put her in the cage but anytime i walk in she scrambles to get out of the cage. I want to make sure she is eating and can get used to her new cage. I have a variety of fresh foods in there for her (Cheerios, Seed Mix, Warm Veggies, warm hard boiled eggs, millet. etc.) I have seen her eat a little. I have tryed to contain myself and not take her out of the cage so she gets used to it. Any Suggestions would be appreciated.


Thank you,


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The breeder should have gotten her used to a cage before you brought her home, but that is water over the dam now. Talk to her some while she is in the cage to help her feel more at ease with it and do not take her out every time you go by or she will continue to do just that. But do give her some time out every day to be with you and play with her but in time she will get used to the cage, most greys find the cage their sanctuary where they feel most safe.


I see this is your first post, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your new grey, like what is her name?

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congratulations on bringing Tiki home.what a shame she wasnt introduced to a cage & hasnt been socialized, but dont worry she is very young & i will give you some links that may be of help to you.


firstly locate the cage in a position where Tiki will be able to interact with the family,her flock.Interact with her when she is in the cage & reassure that her cage is a good place to be,Provide her with toys for stimulation.She needs to learn that her cage is a safe & secure place to be.


some useful links for you...





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Congratulations HC on bring your baby home!!


It will take some time for him to become accustom to the new surroundings and cage. But, you will get there. Just ask those questions as they come up. There are many of us here more than willing to help and also a ton of information on this site. :-)

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