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Jenna is home!


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~waves hello~


And I'm not biased, really, she just IS the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest little bird in the world. Honest, she IS!


Jenna came home Saturday morning, and she has been amazing. For a little girl who is in a completely strange environment, she is doing GREAT. She gets startled at sounds or movements she is not used to, of course, but she's been out playing, flying to me, allowing other family members to hold her, trying new foods, dealing with having dogs and cats in the house (at a distance, and not alone in the room with her, of course) . . . the breeder did a FABULOUS job of socializing this baby. I would not be so adaptable! And it seems that I did the right thing by visiting her regularly; she knows me and is bonding to me already, and I am THRILLED. Tonight I spoon fed her some warm oatmeal at bed time, and it made her so happy I think it will be a nightly routine ~grins~ I can't resist doing something that simple that makes her happy.


I'm glad this new forum started up, and the timing could not be better!


Hi to other folks who ALSO have the most beautiful, smartest, sweetest, cutest baby bird in the world!

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Hi Raposa!


Congratulations on your new baby. Mine just came home on Sunday so I understand just how you feel. Mine also is the cutest, sweetest, smartest baby in the world.


I woke up too early this morning and it is all I can do to not wake him up to see him but I know he needs his sleep so I will restrain myself.:silly:


My baby is 18 weeks. How old is yours? I cannot get my bird to eat anything except his pellets. I think it is neat that you can feed him oatmeal.

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Raposa i can that big smile on your face right now, it's amazing that these babies can steal our hearts in an instance ;)


It's natural that she will be startled around unfamiliar & sudden noises, always reassure her at this time ,gradually she will become accustomed to such noises as vacuum cleaners , washing machines,car alarms etc..


It sounds as if you had a wonderful breeder & your baby has been socialized well & it's now up to you & your family to continue the good work..i have included a link for you .




continue with an evening spoon feed, its very comforting for a baby & if ever the need arises its a great way to administer medicine.I look forward to sharing more of your journey with Jenna.

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char you need to get that baby introduced to new foods,He is still so young, pellets do provide for his needs but he also needs a variety of different foods to explore, as us wouldnt we get bored eating the same thing day in day out ;) I have included some links for you to have a read through..Try introducing new foods in the morning that is when our greys are at their hungriest.







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Raposa wrote:

I'm glad this new forum started up, and the timing could not be better!


This forum is not relatively new, it has been in existence since 2001 I believe but thanks for the compliment.


Sounds like Jenna is a sweet little grey baby and the apple of your eye and glad to hear you are enjoying her so much, you are in for a lifetime of happiness with her.:)

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Isn't it fun, Char? I had the same problem this morning ~grins~ I was awake, and I knew I would only have a relatively short time to spend with her before work, but I was good and did not wake her. Jenna is 20 weeks old. She eats pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, LOTS of sprouts, "birdie bread," and a few seeds and nuts. She has NO trouble with her appetite! I think the warm oatmeal is close enough in temperature and texture to the handfeeding formula to be comforting to her. Maybe your baby would like it too!

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Raposa, I will have to try the oatmeal soon. Tonight he ate supper with us and he ate a little white meat chicken, (don't tell him that a chicken is a bird} and some corn. Improvement!:) Perhaps he was willing to try new things because he saw us eating it.

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