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"Look Mom....no tailfeathers!!!"

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:unsure: One of my Sun Conures has lost all but 1 of his/her tailfeathers. I know 1 is a male. The other is a female...I just don't know which is which. They both look the same. Their pelvic bones feel significantly different. Am I totally off track? My first pair of birds. Please help.:unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: freespirit, at: 2008/04/15 02:17

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You found the feathers in the tray? Did the edges look ragged or chewed or severely bent? Was this loss of feathers overnight, or a period of time? How much time? Did you look at area to see if any tiny ones are replacing the feathers/ Has onebird been pulling or preening the other bird's feathers? Sun conures will lose a larger amount of tail and wing feathers at one time as opposed to others. The thing is that it happens every 8 to 11 mts. They've always been together? 1 aggressive/ 1 unaggressive or are the 2 birds the same?


PS--Has either bird been taking those feathers and carrying them around? Has one bird been bothering the other? Any nuzzling going on?<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/15 02:33

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We do need a little more information before we can help you with this problem, but they shouldn't lose all the tail feathers at one time, my sun conure doesn't. Dave asked the right questions, now if you could give us the answers we can maybe zero in on the problem.


BTW, while you are at it why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room.:)

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