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Teaching your Baby to Play.


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“What do you mean by play? My bird just sits in his cage, occasionally beaking at a toy. He doesn’t seem to care about his toys. So, I just leave him alone.” . Like all other socialization skills, the art of playing must be taught.Parrots are fun-loving. When you interact with them one-on-one each day you can expect a happier, better-adjusted companion parrot. One of the ways to have a parrot bond to you is to play interactively with the parrot.So, how does one teach a bird to play...... by demonstration. The more playful you become around your bird, the more quickly it will learn to play. The following are a few rules to follow while teaching your bird to play:


HAVE FUN! Be a child. Be light, silly and have lots of fun!


PLAY FIRST! When introducing a toy, play with it first. Hug it, kiss it and nudge at it with your nose (beak). Throw it up in the air (not very high) and catch it. Hug it again. Giggle. Tell your bird how much fun you’re having! Giggle again.


BE PERSISTENT! The teaching process may take a few days, weeks or months. But never give up. Sit down every day with the toy and act as excited as the day before.


PHYSICALLY INTRODUCE CAUTIOUSLY! Our birds are generally a pound or so in weight, and a new toy may look like a predator to them. Therefore, toys need to be introduced slowly to the bird and its territory. After you first play with it, place it in an area in the room that is a good distance from your bird’s cage. Then move it closer every few days, after playing with it. If your bird appears a little nervous, move it further away. Once your bird appears totally comfortable with the toy and interested in playing with it, place it in the cage. However, make sure you are in the room to supervise for at least a three hour period. If your bird shows any signs of fear, take it out of the cage again and introduce it slowly.


BE POSSESSIVE! Once your bird looks curious, let it beak at the toy. But then grab it back! Act possessive of it. Like human nature, our birds always seem to want what they can’t have, such as the popular ink pen or telephone. They always want what we seem to really enjoy playing with. Therefore, the more fun AND possessive you act about a toy, the more attractive it may become. This works wonders, especially with African Greys.


DEMONSTRATE! Show your bird what it can do with the toy. Use your nose as your beak and fiddle with the toy as a bird would.


Laughter is an essential ingredient to effective playtime. Another essential ingredient is praise. Parrots love to hear us laugh. Some parrots even laugh with us. A parrot that learns to laugh will sometimes call their owners to play with them by laughing. The sound of a parrot laughing is music to a parrot lover's ears.The more you can teach your bird to have fun and play with its toys, the more balanced it will become.

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This is a great thread!


Can I add that keeping toys especially for one on one play time is also a good idea? I keep special toys that my birds dont play with alone, only with me. That way these toys are much more fun, and are a treat to share with me.


I also have toys that they are only allowed play with on the sofa which keeps them entertained in the evenings.


Its like children, some games are much more fun when mammy plays with you :)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

my little Evolet doesnt like to play much it seems. She will kinda chew on some things but mostly she is just trying to be with me. She just likes to sit on my shoulder. She really doesnt move around much. I will try these things with her and see if there is any change in her behavior.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest briansmum

can i also add that play doesn't HAVE to involve toys. sometimes it's nice to have one on one time with your bird with no distractions.


this takes time and work as obviously it isn't instinct for your new baby to play peekaboo or "got the toes". but with time and patience using many of the fantastic points LMG listed above you can have great hands on play with your bird.


i can touch brian all over now and shout "gotcha >insert bird part here<" and he loves it he would much rather we played together like this than together with a toy.


make the game exciting, act really silly and reward them for gentle play and letting you pet them, it's brilliant fun and the best way to build the bond.

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Dear little Mika (4months old) has every toy known to the bird world (but not all at once) and he has decided that a few plastic bowls and spoons are his thing, oh and I will add 6 plastic water bottle lids. So much for Mom spoiling him by spending hours in Superpet :laugh:

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  • 7 months later...

Dawn, my 6 month old TAG, I've had her for 2 months, loves toys. She is out of her cage most of the day. She loves the playtop of her cage, and likes to sit on her cargo net in front of the window. She loves chewing on a number of her toys. There is a thread about toys here. Please look around the different forums noted at the top of the page. There is an abundance of great information about greys there.

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  • 4 months later...

This is a great post! It has helped me so much with getting my baby Grey to like toys....The possessive thing is the BEST, haha...It REALLY makes them want it! The only toy these tips havnt worked with is an "elmos world" cell phone that when you push a number it says the number...He absolutley HATES that thing...I put it near him one day and he made the absolute WORST noise you could ever imagine coming out of your parrot, lol, I quickly hid it under some towels so he didnt have a little bird heart attack!


But other than that, It works great and thanks for such a great post!

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