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what Games to Play with Grey?

Guest smokey

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Guest smokey

what type of interactive/hands-on games do you or can you play with your grey? i can only do so much...HELP me with ideas please and thank you!

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Hi Smokey:

I'm sure there are other threads that already cover this topic, so look around for other ideas. One thing I played with Lyric when he was little was peek-a-boo. He seemed to enjoy this- started off using a towel and as he got bigger I progressed to hiding around corners and such. Also, I'd play games where I'd try to get him to fly to me or fly to his cage. This is good when they have fledged and are having fun practicing the art of flying.

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Guest Skuffy

Am not sure if Max will do this again tonight,,,but lastnight my Mrs was counting the Pound coin jar...She was stacking then in £5...Max started to take a coin of the pile and drop it on the floor,then he got another coin did the same..so i got a lill cup and Max tryed to put the coins in the cup..Was so funny to watch..I am going to try again tonight see if he wants another Game....

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Guest Skuffy

Max also plays Peep-oh..I hide from him...just like Lyric...Or Max will climb down and Peep into the front room and Say "Peep-Oh"..

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My male grey loves playing peek a boo with me...I have to use the same blanket for him to do it....he flips himself on his back and waits for me to cover him..he loves the game but he can get quite aggressive in the play. I have to remember he is only playing with me. If I'm not in the mood to play I need to make very sure I do not have 'that blanket' on my lap or he thinks that is what we are going to do. It is pretty funny actually.


He also loves to hang upside down on my shirt sleeves and let me swing him back in forth...he thinks that is a load of fun.


My female grey does not like to play those games. They are stressful to her.


They both however like the flicking of water at them when they are on the shower rod in the bathroom...they think that is a lot of fun. They puff their feathers up and try to catch the drops with their beaks...they are pink faced when they do this so I know they like the game.

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I bought those coloured rings that the bird is supposed to put on pegs. My birds love to play with them, but the object of the game is to see whether they can get them all off faster than I can put them back on again. The only problem is they cheat and take off 2 and 3 at a time. Occasionaly they help and put one back on for me.


Beak ball is another favourite. I have a small ball that I think is probably supposed to be for cats... its plastic and has holes in it. Liath loves to fling it across the table and then chase it and fling it again. My only role in the game is to rescue it from the floor about a thousand times for her.


My 9 year old plays a game where the birds sit on top of their cage and she gives them a ring. And they throw it and she tries to catch it. Gives it back to them and they fling it again.


Basically, the more excited we get about a game, the longer they play the game.

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Siobhan wrote..My only role in the game is to rescue it from the floor about a thousand times for her. :laugh: I know that one only to well ;)


Mine play the hair game ! lets see how long we can dangle of mums hair before she makes us step up :pinch::woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/04/15 00:39

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