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my african grey is acting like a zombie?


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i need some help and thoughts from other parrot owners * my one year old brew as seemed 2 changed compelety over the space of a week, hes not whilsed in a week or said a word. hes eating fine and drinking, we noticed hes hurt hes leg and worried he got his leg caught in a toy when was was out, he walks on his leg ok, but holds it up soon as he sits stil .and thats when hes not roosting, he dosnt bob about nemore and seems 2 b sleeping a heck of a lot and not chatty thinking a trip 2 the vets r in need ?

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My Josey will hold her leg up too when she perches, that is normal and you say he is eating and drinking fine and that is good. He seems to be sleeping more but is he also fluffing himself up too when he sleeps and sits? If so he may need to be seen by an avian vet especially if it has been a while since he has been. Has anything changed in the household that would account for his changed behavior, most greys do not like any kind of change in their environment.


I doubt his leg is hurt if you are talking about drawing it up when he perches, that is natural for them to do that, it rests that leg for a bit.


I hope this helps but my gut instinct tells me you should make an appointment with an avian vet, they hide illness so well until they can't anymore and he is too precious to take a chance with. Let us know what you are going to do and keep us informed.

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Guest Skuffy

Personally i would have taken mine to the vet soon as i spotted he had hurt his leg...He might have sprained it badly,..Can you hold him, Is it swollen, bruising..Still carry-on talking to him,asure him your still there for him,loads of cuddles...I hope he's ok soon...Let us know..

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i know its normal for any birdie to stand on one leg . hes just very slient doesnt seem like i have a parrot in the house at the moment :( i did go to our local african grey breader where we got him from he seems to think he may have sprained his leg. wer'e all keeping a close eye on him chatting to him as normal .nothink atall around the house as changed. at the moment he is super fluffed up and looking sleepie. i can pick him up. hold him and touch hes leg to see if it was bigger then normal . looks fine just hes being very off also he usualy gets very beedy and eggy if men come near him or kids he let them kiss and touch hum its not like him as he hates men and kids and brew hasnt had a cuppa for ages i banned him from it as he was causein 2 much noise when he heard the kettle being put on very cheeky bird

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