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Free toys


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I've bought and/or collected a few toys for chloe over the past month or so worth about 60-70 bucks and she pretty much not only dislikes them but is terrified of them or feels threatend by it. So if anyone wants the toys for free to go to your bird maybe you will have more luck. I'd rather give them to a member then junk it, I can't return it to the pet store no refund policy =/


If your in san diego or north county I will even drop it off to you, otherwise I would just need S&H and I will do the rest.

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I wouldn't give them up yet. Greys are often very leery of new things. It took Juji more than a month to try out certain toys. I would suggest putting them in a neutral area, like the kitchen table, and let her be around them and get used to them. Who knows?

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Yes absolutely you should hold on to them. I am lucky enough that the cage my guys are in is very wide. I can put a new toy for Oisin at the back corner of the cage and eventually he will go investigate it and then chew it to death. But this can take weeks for some toys.


Liath loves new toys so I dont have to go so slowly with her.

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I agree put them on the other side of the room so he can see them and evenclly move them closer bit by bit and every day pick them up and play with them so he see's you then having fun and move them a little closer each time he will soon want to see what is so fun about those toys Pat

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Good advice from everyone else on this subject. Some greys are leery about anything new and try playing with one of them in front of the bird and let him see you having fun with it. Move it a little closer every day and continue playing with it and moving it around in front of the bird. Eventually curiosity should get the better of him and he will want to play with it himself. Those toys are expensive, isn't it a shame?

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Guest Skuffy

Doo Bee Doo...I have a robosapien and you get a set of Red skittles and a Green Bowling ball...AND GUESS WHAT!!!!!...Max wants to play....He can pick the ball up and roll it down his Large Ladder to knock the skittles over....As for the Penny in a Pot game...Yes he played it tonight again...3 out of 5 times he got the Penny in the Pot...Accually lent forwards to drop it in...:laugh:

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Guest Skuffy

B) Just tryed again with him,,,hes in a "i wana play with this coin..Your not having it back" mood...:laugh:


I'll try again tomorrow..B)

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Knight, do as the others have said, I have had this happen a couple of times and I have put them in the room so Charlie can see them, then moved them nearer to the cage. I bought a new playstand which sat next to his cage for about 7 weeks before he would go on it. They are funny things when introducing anything new. :)

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Guest Skuffy

hahahaha...I did another from this morning, but hit Deleted it..:side: Only his 3rd time playing it...lol :woohoo:

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Guest Skuffy

B) First time ive seen that,,,,GAWWWWWWWWWWWWDDDD!!!! i sound off my head...hahahahahaha.All good fun tho....:woohoo:

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Guest Skuffy

YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! Finally Max gets the Coin in the Cup...



short VID..pls watch ive worked hard on this Game with MAxB)

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