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eating out of my mouth?


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Kika is being very odd , I give her grapes and all different fruits and vegies but she will not eat them. She won't eat her pellets unless I crush them down into powder for her. But yet when I offer her something and she turns it down I put it in my mouth and start o eat it to show her it's good when I do that she comes charging over and eats it out of my mouth so I think ok she wants it so I offer it to her again but she won't eat it she backs up from it almost like shes afraid of it or doesn't feel like breaking it down. I am wondering if it is normal for her to only want to eat out of my mouth. I know it sounds gross but I let her do it because I am afraid if I don't she won't be getting proper nutrients. She eats her seed food perfectly fine and sometimes fruits but other than that she will only eat out of my mouth or out of my hand if it is really mushed up or has come out of my mouth....can someone please give m some advice this is making me nervous..


Thanks in advance guys :D

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