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Hello Everyone! I am the proud new owner of a CAG. He will be coming home in a couple of days and I am so excited!


He is 4 months old and just weaned. We are going to call him "Simon". We don't know if it is really a male but we are just going to assume he is.


I am looking forward to meeting all of you and sharing information and stories about our babies



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Guest Skuffy

Hello Char, and welcome to the flock...Lots of great ppl here as you will soon meet...Any time you want to ask anything just ask away we will all be so glad to try and answer any questions you have...xxx


{Nature-00020095} Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Welcome from me too..feel free to Add me as a friend any time..

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Hello and welcome to both of you. Char those couple of days will pass quickly then all the fun will begin. You will have to tell us all about Simon when he comes home. Coopersmom glad you like it here its a great place to be. Everyone is really friendly and are quick to give advice when you need it. Just ask.:)

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Hello Char and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Simon. So you are going to assume it is a he, well thats ok but you may know for sure one day if he lays an egg:P


I know and remember that excitement of bringing home that new grey baby, you can hardly wait for that day to arrive but it will and then you two will begin a lifetime of happiness and enjoyment.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


When you bring Simon home if you have some pictures of him you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I have spent hours reading some of the valuable information on this forum. Just trying to glean all the knowledge I can from your experiences.


I am an amatuer photographer so you will certainly be seeing pics of my baby.

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Welcome to the forum, Char. I'm relatively new as well. Our CAG is also 4 months old. We have had him/her two weeks today. I sent away for DNA test, but we won't have the results yet for 9-14 days. We named him Obi, and have been addressing Obi as he. Won't we be surprised if he's a girl - lol - it really doesn't matter, he's a lovely little bird. Good luck with your new addition, and welcome to the forum! ;)

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