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Hi everyone,


I dont know if you all remember but my Nittles whose name is now "Booty" I kept calling her that and now her little head pops up when I say BOOTY, oh and we had her DNA tested and she is a little GIRL!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway, as you may or may not know, my Booty has been missing feathers around her ears, it started on one side and then began on the next and now it seems to be a little on the top of her head. I spend every day with her so it was not picking. She is 7 months old by the way.


Today we went to see her doctor Dr. Doug Mader (love him btw) he is known for his treatment of birds and exotics, so yay:) Makes me feel a lot better than the previous vet I went to. We walked in and he gave Boots a complete exam. Looked in her ears, around ears, and down her throat. He said that her ears and surrounding areas were irritated and that she was missing lower left Pappila?!?! I am sure I mispronounced that word, but basically where we have tonsils, our babies have hair, so she is missing some on the bottom left side of her throat. With all of this considered he seems to think that she may have a Vitamin A deficiency. He seems to think that her irritation is systemic. SO, we are going to start there. She recieved a Vitamin A shot today and he also gave her an antibiotic that she needs to take twice a day. I am praying and feel very confident that this is what it is. So for all of you who pray, please say a Get Well Prayer for my Booty.

Also her Dad and I have already been to the store to get plenty of veggies filled with Vit. A. Squash, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes and Carrots. Please advise if you know more. To sum up, he wants me to call him a week from Monday for an update, then have her come back in the following Saturday for another shot and we should be good to go. He also said that Vit A is processed through your liver so once the levels are up, they are up, it is not like it will go back down unless of course she stops having Vit A. Just wanted to let you all know, cause I know me and I am excessive and neurotic and if I were just randomly reading a story like mine I would start to give her more A and that is not good either. Just and FYI.


Anyway, again, I cant thank you all enough for all of your help with my Boots. She is my first African Grey and she is the Apple of my Eye:):):)


I wanted to pass on my update it is always good to know new bits of info to help our babies.


Thank you so much again all:)



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Thats good to hear regarding Booty!!


Thanks for updating us. It will give all of us a clue if we our someone else ever experiences the missing feathers around the Ears.


Did the Vet say if the missing lower left Pappila might become normal after treatment or is it a birth defect?

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So now Booty is going to be fine, thats wonderful to hear and so glad you informed us of what the vet found, you never know it may help another with a similar problem, thanks so much for updating us on her.


BTW, congrats on Booty being a girl, woohoo:P

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Awwww, thank you all so much for your kind words, care and concern for my little girl:) It means so much! I will keep you all posted on her progress! At this moment she is very angry with us as we tried to get her to take her medicine through a siringe (sp?) placed in her mouth, uh, no that is not going to happen at the moment.... We will try again in a little while...


--- Dan, her vet said that the missing pappila is a sign of vit a deficiency and should return to normal once we get her vit a back to where it needs to be.


Again, I will keep you all posted on everything.


Thank you all again so much:)



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