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How to keep area clean


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Hi, does anyone have any tips for keeping the area clean (floor) around the cage. Wow, I didn't realize how messy a larger bird could be - lol - I am also noticing an odor of bird. Obi hasn't had a bath or spray yet, so I guess that's next on my agenda. Thanks, and have a great evening! ;)

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Guest Skuffy

{Nature-00020095} lol My dad cleans up after me..sweeps the floors 5-6 times a day or his Mrs wud kick off..lol


As for a bath,if you can handle him take him to the shower with you,he just might jump in and amaze you,sit him on the shower rail...If thats a No-no,,get yourself a Spray bottle,...I use nice warm water with Max as cold water makes him move away from me,,He went nuts when i tryed to shower him,,I lightly spray Max everyday,,,not alot,,just nuf to keep the dust down...Plus ive found a great Aloe Vera spray works on his dandruff and he smells Niiice...twice awk i spray him with that...

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You really need to bath or spray mist Obi.Greys need frequent bathes at least 2/3 times a week.


As for cleaning i have laminate flooring in my bird room. I use Hot water and distilled vinegar or a product called F10 which is an avian disinfectant, i buy it concentrated & dilute it.You could use a product called poop off or non scented baby wipes or good old hot soapy water.

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Guest Skuffy

Why go to all the expence...Simple soap and water does a fine job...I sit Max on his Breaky Bar in my front room then wash his cage every morning, with out fail..He's becoming accustoms to this every morning now...Back on his cage for fresh fruit and nut mix..

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One other thing concerning dirt. You might be also referring to the dust and dander and feathers that's all over the place. When all of those very light weight feathers are in the tray and it time to take out the tray to change the paper, take a mister and very slightly spray a few times over the feathers from about 12 inches away in the tray. That will make the feathers heavy and they won't fly all over the place when you're moving the tray.

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Guest Skuffy

The Mrs comes out with all the cleaning product...Am a guy;) i use what am told...Beleave me if Max smell she wud DEFFO have something to say...She's a house proud woman..Always cleaning..plus i have kids...

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Guest Skuffy

B) Am already on to that 1 Dave..i spray his perches to get all the mashed fruit of after he's wiped his beak everywhere...Hes a scruffy guy...lol no manners at all, you wud think he's never been fed the way his beaks full of carrots and peas......lol

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Guest Skuffy

He regurgatated for me the other morning, after his Toast...:blush: Even rang my best m8 to tell him...As if he'd be bothered...lol...

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Thanks for all the tips. I'm heading to Walmart tomorrow to get some Aloe to spray him with. When he sits on the top of the cage, his droppings fall onto the floor. This evening I was wiping each time he dropped before it had time to sit.


I made a seed catcher out of mesh, and it was pretty funky, so that's all nice and clean now too. I need to get a system down, wiping down the cage, bathing him, etc., and hopefully it will cut back on the seeds and feathers falling everywhere.


Bye for now ;)

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I love my swiffer sweep vac for things like that. You don't even need to use the mop pad most of the time cuz the vacuum part gets all of the big stuff and the cloth gets all of the dusty stuff...I sound like a commercial :)


Anywho, so far Juj isn't to bad on the throwing stuff.

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The short answer is...You can't keep the area around the cage clean! :woohoo: :P Ha ha. We have a vinyl type flooring mat under Kip's cage. We bought it at home depot for $15.00 and cut to size, about 1 foot in all directions bigger than the cage footprint. Works well to catch droppings, food flingings, seed husks etc and most can just be brushed up daily. I scrub the mat weekly for more thorough cleaning simply using hot water. Maybe a mild soap/diluted bleach on occassion or as needed.


One thing for sure, life with a bird is life with a mess! Its impressive how they can turn small things into huge messes in very little time! B)

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