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I think I made a mistake....


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Since I've had chloe my CAG of 11 months old for about a month now. I think I've spoiled her too much and been her 24/7 sugar daddy. Meaning.... when she wakes up in the morning and gives me that puppy dog face and the "I'm so sad that I'm stuck in this cage right now please come get me out" bird screech. I usually wake up get her out and put her somewhere close to me on top of her cage or what not to play. But even then if she's out I get another bird noise 10 minutes later like "hello? remember me your bird? Come play with me I'm bored!". And when she out in the living room and I'm awake she talks and isn't loud or obnoxious but constantly makes birdy noises for my attention or sits there like a statue and stares me down I'm guessing out of curiosity and boredom. It is getting to the point now where I can't pet her on her perch anymore because everytime I go to pet her or talk to her she sticks her foot out and tries to step up if I get close. She wants to be my center of attention and ON me physically 24/7. If I leave to take the trash out or even step out of the room for 2 min she calls for me in the sad voice again. I know this is all natural for the most part but if i start ignoring her to get rid of undesirable behavior am i going to lose her trust or affection?

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Also on a side note and completely unrelated topic. How far should bar spacing be on a grey cage? I have 3/4ths of an inch right now and it looks sometimes like it might be too wide for her as she doesn't seem confident in foot placement and moving around so much. Should I have smaller or is 3/4ths ok?

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Hi again Knight,


I treat Biggles the same as I would with a small child... reward when he's done something good, lavish him with attention when it's time to, and make him understand that he has to have cage time occasionally! Biggles also does the sad call thing, especially when he wakes up in the morning, and as cute as it is, and as much as I would love to have him with me all of the time, it isn't always convenient. I have a son and 2 dogs to also sort out in the mornings as well as myself. As hard as it is to ignore the sad call, you're gonna have to learn and not allow yourself to be wrapped round Chloe's little talon lol :laugh:

Tis hard tho as we end up being owned by them instead of us being the owners! I love it though really ha ha!


Persevere with it and don't feel mean if you have to keep Chloe in her cage for a few minutes more than you would do normally, as long as she's got things to entertain her in there she'll soon understand :-)


Feel happy that you have a CAG that absolutely adores you!


Amy xx

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Spence the bar spacing is fine ;)


spence you have spoiled here & made a rod for your own back.you should have laid down the ground rules from day one, but we all can say that with hindsight !


Now you must lay down some ground rules for Chole, Start as you mean to go on.Encourage her to play/occupy herself, provide plenty of foraging toys in her cage for her.Dont go to her everytime you get them puppy dog eyes ! If she calls for you, let her,dont respond, respond on your terms & when she is quiet,Praise her for being good,not for negative behaviour.She will appreciate more the time she is allowed to spend with you ;)

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Knight05 wrote:

It is getting to the point now where I can't pet her on her perch anymore because everytime I go to pet her or talk to her she sticks her foot out and tries to step up if I get close. She wants to be my center of attention and ON me physically 24/7.


Oh I know that one... I call it the limpet syndrome. Liath goes through phases of it. She is happy enough just to sit on my shoulder and hang on for dear life while I go about my housework. Other days she will stay on top of the cage with Oisin and comment on what I am doing. If she is IN the cage and talking to me, I just answer her but dont always take her out. She seems happy enough with that most of the time!

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Juji was like that at the beginning, but now she is discovering how to play by herself, and rather enjoys it. She will be on her tree for 1/2 hour or more without even trying to fly to me.


I know it's hard to ignore those pleas for play, but sometimes you just have to tell your child no. :)

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Klaus is my "velcro" bird and sometimes I do wish he'd get out of my hair! But I do realize he's a baby and that at age 2 he will really start to get independent. So for now, I try to reach a fair compromise - not ignoring him, but definitely putting him down (or in his cage) when I must accomplish something and I need to be bird-free to do it!

If your bird has plenty of toys that get rotated often plus something to forage, she should be fine. I know it's hard to ignore that pitiful call, though!

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