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Mirrors in cages.


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Thought I would ask how many of you have mirrors in your Grey's cages?

I was told in another topic earlier that it may not be a good idea as it can cause the bird to talk to the mirror instead of us...

Has anyone experienced this or does anyone have any advice on this matter as I don't know anything about it at all.

Biggles has a mirror in his cage and enjoys looking at himself and playing in front of it, although I wouldn't want it to cause any problems in the future...


Amy x

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I have a mirror for chloe, can't say if she likes or dislikes it but she does peck at it. I have yet to known if greys are smart enough to know hey thats ME! And not just some random image or thingy to bite at. I'd say it's more like another toy to mess with more than anything mental or social. I personally don't think it would affect ur greys experience talking to you. Besides they talk to get attention and if the mirror doesn't talk back im sure your grey will see it as a dead end. I'm by no means an expert just my 2 cents.

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Thanks knight :-)

Biggles is having no problem with talking and for a 9 mth old is doing very well on that subject.We're always talking to him and he gets moooore than enough attention from us lol. :laugh: I suppose i'll just have to monitor it and hope that it doesn't change him.



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Having a mirror in your parrot's cage i think is just a personal preference .some do react to their reflection, they may see it as an intruder in their space if you see signs of very aggressive beahviour i would remove it, other than that i dont think they cause to much of a problem :)

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I had to remove Charlies mirror last week. He started being really aggressive and attacking it all the time. I never thought of him thinking it could be an intruder Tracy, just thought it was his rough playing getting a bit out of hand. ;)

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