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Breakthrough with Oisin - thanks Laurie


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Laurie gave us a tip in the Did You Know thread about looking at a grey sideways with eyes slightly closed. And it really works!


Oisin is my husbands bird and he hates me! He will step up when he wants to get out of the cage, but I have terrible trouble getting him back. Yesterday I put him on his perch and tried Lauries idea and I could stroke him for a while. This evening I put him on my lap and I cuddled, stroked, scratched and petted him for about 2 hours. When it came time to put him back to bed he stepped up nicely, and stepped down onto his perch with no fuss.


I still have all my fingers too... pretty amazing! Laurie you are a genius! I really hope this new improved Oisin is still here tomorrow :)

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I wish I could take credit, but I read it in the Grey book the breeder sent home with us. I found it worked well with Klaus. Our home is kind of like a testing lab because I do these things with Klaus and he LOVES me. My husband and son either don't want to, or they forget, or they think it's hogwash. At any rate, they get bit far more than I do, and Klaus "tolerates" them but doesn't love them like he loves me...

Glad I could help by sharing that!

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EXACTLY! I hadnt heard it before. It definitely made a difference. I don't think Oisin just decided to be nice after 9 months of being mean to me. I got cuddles again this evening from him :)


He is so soft compared to Liath... still has his baby feathers... so cute :P


Thank you!

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