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Seriously considering "cheating"


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My baby bird is scheduled to come home a week from tomorrow. But my plans have changed a bit for this weekend, and it is possible I could go get her sooner (that is, of course, if the breeder would even let me have her a week early!) . . . unfortunately, with it being tax weekend, she probably would not get the attention I can give her next weekend. And I do expect to have some company in the house this weekend which might be a bit disruptive to a new baby . . . And next week I'd have her cage area and toys better set up, and . . . dang it, I want her NOW!


~sigh~ Decisions, decisions . . .

But at the very most, it is only ONE MORE WEEK until Jenna comes home!

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Aww bless ya, I know just how you feel when you've got a new baby coming home. I was exactly the same with Biggles and so desperately wanted him like NOW!! lol


I think you already know the sensible answer though hunni :laugh:


Good luck and looking forward to seeing pics soon


Amy x

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Don't you hate it when you ask a question you already know the answer to, and then people give you the answer you know is right but don't want to hear:P Besides, if you got the baby early I'll bet you'd feel guilty about not giving either your bird or your guest the attention you should. Hope the week goes fast!

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Guess what . . . .I called Wendy, the breeder, on Saturday morning and she said come ahead, Jenna is ready to go home! SO I have my baby at home with me! She is doing amazingly well. She had very little difficulty with the ride in the car (about an hour, and she was in an acrylic bird carrier) and is settling in well in her new home. She has flown to me quite a few times ~beams happily~ And she is getting used to the sounds and sights of the new place. My mom called this morning to tell me Jenna was singing away to herself after I left for work.


So PATIENCE? Bah. Over-rated!!! :laugh:

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Oh GOODNESS yes! And Jenna has been so helpful already! She helped me file my taxes online this evening,and she helped redecorate the living room by covering it with warm oatmeal . . .A terrific new look indeed. Do greys automatically know how to wolf whistle or did she pick that up from the breeder's husband? ~chuckles~

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