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african grey with a dog


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Rex is 5 months old, we have had him 7 weeks,we also have a boxer who is soft as muck, but when we let rex out of his cage poor buster gets locked out of the room, Buster is 5 yrs old and usually is so soft and placid, but when it comes to being next to rex he shakes, drools, licks his lips and sits staring at rex. When Rex flies the dog jumps up and tries to catch him, Rex is fine with the dog. what can i do, i feel really awful having to lock the dog away from all his family?

Has anyone else had similar problems.

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Then I don't see any other recourse but to pen the dog up when Rex is out and about, you certainly don't want the dog to grab ahold of Rex as it would be the end of him for sure. Why can't you rotate the dog out for a while and Rex out for a while, that way you get to spend time with each but at different times.


Maybe someone else has a better idea.

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Guest Skuffy

My Boys out from 8am..has breaky,,then we have a walk and wash....he's clipped so i walk him to stop him getting fat...He as a play then climbs back in to sleep till around 2pm...Then hes out shouting and ringing the phone for attention....He has a munch on his nuts and fruit till tea time,,,,,He gets put to bed at 10:30pm...But he's very hard to ignore...He shouts Peep-oh at me all the time...lol

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Mark you are so funny! I have two cats which would have Charlie for dinner if they had the chance. I have never let Charlie out when the cats are in the room it just isnt worth it. I let Charlie out at different times of the day. Your animals will soon get into the routine and you can share your time between the two of them. :)

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When I got my first grey, one of my dogs was convinced she was dinner. But I suppose about 6 months on he gave up. So now I can have everyone in the same room, but NEVER unsupervised. A dog is a dog after all. And Liath loves to bite them too!

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I have an older dog, 16 yr terrier mix, and I never have a problem with him around the birds. I have one bird that is blind, he walks around on the floor right around my older dog and the dog's never snapped at him- the bird chases him around trying to bite him. He's such a little angel!

We just got a puppy though and that's a different story! I don't trust the puppy one bit around the birds because he doesn't know a bird from a toy. I supervise them together all the time and try to let the puppy see the bird and see me interact with it so he knows it's a part of the family too. I hope one day he may be as trustworthy as my older dog but I don't know-

I'd say if your boxer is so fixated on your grey then it is probably just best to not have them around each other. You really don't want your boxer to eat him and then you'd always blame him for the loss of your bird. Best of luck to you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Take it from experience, letting a dog out around the bird is a bad idea. I had a Quaker and my nephew without thinking let my miniature dachshund in the house. In less time than you could scream stop, my dachshund jumped on the perch, knocked my quaker off the perch to the floor, grabbed him by the neck and our sweet sweet quaker is no longer with us. It was the most tragic thing I have experienced with an animal. I still get sick to my stomach thinking about the whole ordeal. It was very tragic but hopefully by posting this I can get people to think twice about letting birds around dogs/cats. It's a natural/animal instinct for the cats/dogs, a hard thing to stop just because you said so. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but it is an animal instinct. Please don't chance it.

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oh madi i really hesitated to ask what happened to your quaker especially when you said he was tragically lost. i am so sorry that happened!


merlin's foster home has a young lab and a cat. they too are very careful about who is out and when.


but thankfully merlin was very interested in inga (my german shepherd) and inga was very gently interested in merlin. they met the one time and merl has me all to himself in my secure office. one of my katz is so tremendously untrustworthy that she does not even get to SEE merlin!

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I got my beautiful CAG and put her picture on my profile. I havent' figured out how to do the photo album yet.


I brought her home put her on her perch, she stepped up for me, my daughter, my nephew, and my curious neighbor. I guess she was socialized very well.


Question do any of your birds follow you around. I went outside on the front porch twice and she jumped off her cage. I come back in and she steps up for me and I put her back and she is fine. I feel like she is wanting to follow me?


One more question. She (Sammy) will take turns with her feet ever so often extending her legs and it looks like she is stretching them out. Is this normal.

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