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This may not be the right place, but my heart is breaking. My beautiful "Boo" is gone. We have loved each other for 10 years. I made the mistake of leaving for a long weekend with my 26 yr. old son in charge (strict instructions DO NOT LET HIM OUT OF THE CAGE!). Well, the worst nightmare DID happen. Boo was let out of the cage and a door was left open to let a dog in. Boo is gone. This was last Sat. at 7pm. I wasn't told until I was on my way home Tuesday at 5pm. If I had been told, we would have turned around and come right back. The trail is so cold right now. He would have come back to my voice, I just know.


The house is so "lonely". The tears pour as I write. Boo was so special. He spoke four (4) languages and "he knew" me.


One time I was upset and crying as I fed him. He moved over to his feed bowl and twisted his little head and asked me "Are you Ok" "Boo loves Mama". He knew. The cuddles, the kisses, the daily rituals and all the surprises in between....he's gone. I've never lost a child but it would have to feel like this. A month ago I found my stallion who befriended me for 25 years in the pasture dead. Painful beyond. But he was 25 and he did pass quickly. All I can think of is my baby boy on the ground in the forest wondering, hungry, thirsty mumbling "nite, nite Boo"...I'll be back and Where's the mama."


Could he come back? Of course his cage is outside on the deck, open and we've placed food inside and on top of it.


Please help me pray my baby comes back. This is the most painful thing I've gone through.


My biggest concern has always been what happens to Boo if something happens to me...

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Hello Gotcha and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join but I wish it could have been under happier circumstances.


I can't imagine what you must be going thru right now and our greys are like a member of the family and losing one hurts just as much but you must not give up, he is out there somewhere and you will find him or he will find you, I know it.


You have done the right thing in putting his cage outside where he can see it and leaving food and water in it. Do not give up calling for him, he may not be that far away and I am sure you have alerted the neighbors to be on the lookout for him.


I will keep you and Boo in my thoughts and prayers for his safe return and know that other members here will do the same, we are all family and care about one another. Know that you are not alone and please keep us informed and good luck to you in your search.

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Thank you Ms. Judy. We just received a call (from the ad we placed) of a strange sounding bird approx. 4 mis. from here. We fled the house w/pillowcase in hand, bell and lots of hope. Unfortunately though we are empty handed. We won't give up. Each passing hour lends itself to a smaller degree of recovering the baby boy.

Again, thank you. We appreciate your true understanding.

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Gotcha- my heart goes out to you and I am so sad for you right now. I know you must be totally devastated by this loss. If it is meant to be then Boo will find his way back to you. I hope this happens with all my heart.

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Oh Boo, how terrible!!!


The bright side though, is Boo is probably NOT dead and is out there waiting to be found. Placing the ad was certainly the right thing to do.


Have you canvassed your surrounding Neighborhood calling and searching the Tree's? Maybe try placing posters up around the surrounding Neighborhood also, at the local pet store, SPCA etc too.


I feel so bad for you. I know that feeling well as I had a Parrot fly off. But we did find him a day later and took hours getting him down from the tree he was in.


The story of Boo though, has not ended, it is just beginning and the more you search and place flyers, the greater the odds are, that you will be reunited. :-)


Did you Son follow him? Does he know the general area Boo flew too?

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My son did everything possible (except what I told him..sorry, still raw). He contacted a local resident who specializes in lost animals. She has been very supportive. He is 6'6" so he was able to see the tree he went to but with no luck since it was almost dark. He went to every house in our neighborhood, put up flyers everywhere, contacted anyone and everyone. We have had several responses to the ad he placed. A man just called and had found a grey approximately 11 miles from here a month ago. Sadly, he can't be Boo. There will be motivation because there is a $1,000 reward. Haven't slept since I found out. Just see Boo's face. One large fear are the prey birds out here. On our property alone there is a resident owl and redtail hawk. The biggest fear however is his tummy. If he is still alive (please be so), he must be dreadfully hungry.


Thank you so much for your support during this very emotional time. Boo did love to fly. He could hover like a helicopter over my finger when he would come to me. He REALLY wanted to fly. Too bad he just didn't make a victory loop and come back.


Hope is high. Thank you for your support. It really helps.

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Gotcha that is so terrible :ohmy: :ohmy: Not knowing is one of the worst scenarios. I hope he will turn up soon... don't lose hope. Did you go out in the woods and called for him?

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Were all with you Boo, to heck with the neighbors. Thanks for the update and all the information on what has been done to find your beloved Grey.


These parrots and all types for that matter, are very resilient and can survive even when we fear they can not possibly have done so. I know your feeling well.


Please keep us posted and know that we are all rooting for a safe and quick return. :-)

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