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Help - Missing Claws/Talons....


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After having my boy sensei for about 3weeks I cam home to find his foot all twisted up in a bt of string on his parrot toy... & yes it was a toy that was actually sold as a parrot toy not a home made one.... well I had to cut it free as he had twisted it so bad... he had severed his talon/claw/nail & blood was everywhere - of course I freaked out... stopped the bleeding & bandaged him up - took him vets next day - & he had cut his vein/artery but I had stopped the bleeding - so that was him for a couple of weeks dosed up on antibiotics... & salt bathes for his foot.... well the claw that was the one which was damaged the worse.. started to heal & his claw growing back slowly but surely... well the other claw scales, skin etc had became black so we put him on some more antibiotics... that has now fallen off & cleared up - along with his other claw - so obv this was dead skin until new skin had grown back which it is now doing so...


But came home today to find the claw that was orginally the worse but started to grow back had come off again - no blood just looks a little sore & even shorter than before..


I was told by someone in the know that as long as there is a tiny bit of black claw left it will grow back - on both claw ther eis a stub of nail but I am getting worried that there not going to grow back properly...


can anyone advise if this has happened to them - just the missing claw thingy or if they have ever known of this & have any advise for me.. I am worried...


Perhaps take him to a specialist now...



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hmmmmm unsure the as there is the smallest amount left of his nail - seems like maybe a bit les than there was before when it just started to grow back.. it is a shame as he doesnt have as much grip with the 2 talons he has left compared to the 4 he used to have... my poor boy... anything I can do or give him to encourage it to grow back - or just his usualy vitamins etc Gosh it is a worrying thing being a grey owner nearly as bad as a parent - not that i am one of them yet but it seems just as much hard work - def all worth it though - no doubt about that...xxxxxx thanx for help once again lol...x

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Nothing I know of to encourage it to grow back, if it does it does but hopefully it will grow back. He will get used to it in time and probably grip just as well as he did before, he will learn to compensate.


Yes our greys are just like our children for we care about them as much as if they were our human children.

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What perches do you have for him. If it's really smooth, like dowel or buffed wood, maybe you can score it lightly to make it easier to grip. Or maybe a perch of twisted multi-coloured rope that attaches at both ends so that he can sink his talons into it (keep it trimmed of stray strands though - I expect you're extra careful about that sort of thing now) Mayber a perch closer to the bottom of the cage like you would with a baby just learning to perch so that there's not far to fall. After all, he is kind of re-learning right now. I hope his talons heal.

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Hi Magic,


How is your Grey doing now? Depending on the damage to the Talons, they may or may not grow back.


As others suggested, since his footing is now compromised, you really need to ensure the perch surfaces are rough, not smooth to avoid falls.


The actual nails themselves will take a long time to re-grow, if they do.

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Two months ago, I remember seeing a sweet friendly Gray at my Vet's. He was there for a month. I asked why and was told that the Parrot had vitamin defficiency resulting in missing claws. Hope this helps. Please check the diet. I THINK it was vitamin A and B-complex. Again, I am NO AUTHORITY on this. Just some information I had and thought of passing it on to you.

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