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Guest smokey

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Guest smokey

As you can tell by the topic im new to this forum site, or forums all together. I have just been seeking out people who share as much intrest in parrots as I do I'm only 17 and my names Daniel. I have a grey of my own, who's name is Smokey, and i've had him for close to a year now. He turned 1 as of March 31st(08). I was wondering how this forum stuff works because at times i have questions and find my self reading book after book to find the advice, it's just not the same as activly ingauging in conversations with experienced bird owner themselves! PLEASE RESPOND, it would be very much appreciated...

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Hi Smokey :) I'm glad you found us. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to, and to share the good times too. Everyone here is very helpful and we have some true experts.


Congrats on your grey. :) Mine is only 5 1/2 months old, but I have been around birds my whole life.


Each of the different rooms cover different topic areas. Read as much as you can, because often people have a lot of the same questions.


Please introduce yourself in the welcome room too. :) That's always a good place to start.


Hope to hear more from you soon.



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Ok, this is how it works. You just clicked on new topic and you put in New to Forums and then you said things.

So, other people here are gonna read what you just said just like I just did and they're gonna reply to you. If you have questions just click on African Grey, just like you did. Put a little statement or question in and people will read it and many people will reply answer your questions. You might get different answers to your questions but in general the answers you get will be generally correct because people are telling you about what they did or saw or tell you the results of similar things you just asked. Now, in that same area wherwe the replies are, you can also put in another reply to what other people just said. It's like a continuing story. Each person's reply is like a little chapter in that story.

I said go to african grey section. Now, you might put it a topic that actually goes in another section but you shjouldn't worry about that cause there's people that can take your post and all of the replies and put it in the right section. There's al;ways a notification on the screen that tells you where the whole thread went to. Don't worry about making mistakes--everyone does. When you get a chance click on all the different topics and check out what all the people say about the loads of questions there.

If you wanna add to something just click REPLY in the thread, add what you want and then click submit. Your post becomes part of the thread. Go wherever you like. There's millions of things that are discussed. Books are good but discussions are also valuable.As far as experience here, the people have all ranges of expeniences--some small, medium and large. Everything that all the people say is good reading. Hope this helps.--By the way, there's a section called WELCOME and if you feel like introducing yourself, that's the place to do.

PS--welcome to the board<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/09 22:30

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Hi - they are brilliant aren't they ! - this place (albeit i haven't been here for a while) is v good. from what I have read, there is a lot of good info to be learnt here - a lot of experienced people.


Obi's vet pointed me to the 'Birds/parrots for Dummys' dont be put off by the title - it does have some very good common sense reading, definately worth a look.



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Hi Daniel & Welcome


If you need to ask a question just go to the appropriate room & post a new topic .There is a wealth of information on the site so please do take the time to have a good read through the various threads.Look forward to hearing more from you & Smokey.

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Hello Daniel and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Smokey.


If you are looking for experienced grey owners you have come to the right place, you won't find a better bunch of knowledgeable people on the subject of greys. Greys are our passion and we like nothing better than to help other grey owners with any problems they might be having.


While you are doing some reading, browse thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Smokey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hi Daniel- welcome to you and Smokey. Don't forget too that if you have a question about a particular topic you can use the search box at the top of the page to search all the threads for information on that topic. In the white box that says "search forum" just type in a word or two about what you are wondering about. You can usually find someone else that has asked a question about what you are interested in. This place is great and we all just love birds and love to talk about them too. We'd love to see some pictures of your grey if you can post them.

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