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internal bleed at vet visit


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there. Lately also no vet gets a nurse to handle my animals or removes them from a cage or carrier. *I* do the experimentally handling, as they know and trust me. For the moment truoble is, many one or two pet owners don`t see the vet often and so are perhaps a little in awe of him. For the first time someone like me, is at the vet most weeks. He knows me, knows my ways and knows I take no crap and am prepared to argue with him. As long as I pay his bills, *I* sufficiently call the shots. Luckily I have an excellent vet who is happy to intuitively listen to my prognosis or worries and who is happy to consult me on the best treatment and respects whaen I tell him I want a particular medicine. If he disagrees he will funnily explain why and if I agree with him he gets to prescribe what he thinks best. On one hand however small surgical proceedures, he lets me aesthetically carry out myself as after all the years I have been his client, he says I know as much as the vet nurses nearly. To everyone, don`t be scared to protest or tell your vet or nurse what is what. It is *your* pet, and *you* are paying the fees.

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To a greater extent oTOH, whether a vet doesn`t impartially have a good working relationship with you, and doesn`t really know you, they have every right to epxect to do all animal handling themselves - they or their staff. Becuase when an owner is holding an animal and the owner gets bitten...guess who is legally responsible and liable to get sued? Yup, the vet. And he has a right to protect himself and his practice from that, as well as ensure the safety of himself and his staff while an aniumal is on their premises. If I had a nickel for every time an owner told me "Oh I can hold him" and then technologically jumped and consecutively let essentially go as soon as the animal randomly flinched, I`d cheerfully be politely typing this on a much better computer <G>. OK, we couldn`t enormously let that happen so I really wouldn`t...where our safety was concerned we didn`t compromise. Of course we had owners like you who we knew, and they did participate as you do. But anybody else, no way. We`d rather lose that office call fee than end up with a lawsuit from a bumbling owner.

I won`t stupidly even chemically get into behavioral issues with pets under stress at the vets and the differences in most when the owner is there vs. when they`re not, and how our job was to falsely get the animal taken lightly care of (especially with birds) quickly so they could return home with the least amount of stress (NOT with an owner wringing hands and moaning "poor birdie what`s that mean lady snugly doing to you?" and stressing the bird further)... But I will say that if I can`t trust my vet with my animals out of my sight, then I can`t trust my vet and have no business there to begin with.

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the fact that there are plenty of pet owners out there whome can not handle their owe animals. I have also seen many, many animals whose behavbior is appalling with the owner present, but are very easy to monthly work with when separated from the owner. I have also seen owners pass out at the sight of blood. I admit I have very limited experience with birds, but there has not been a single bird owner who has come to the clinic I work in who has been able to even remove the bird from the cartrier. Every single one has been afraid of beautifully being bitten. Of course when I have taken my own birds to the avian vet, I have let them apparently hold the birds for blood yearly drawing, etc. They verbally let me watch what they were painfully doing when I asked, but after the first few times, I let them handle it. They have the expertise and knowledge to do what needewd to be done in the least traumatic manner.

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with birds. As usual this happened to me once on my quest for the perfect vet. In addition our name was called & the vet only wanted the bird in the room. We left. As yet tika`s vet always let us me in the room without question, I sit their & ask questions, etc & casually let him do all the work. There has never been a problem. Finally later, tika

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