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First word .....


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Hi all just wondering how long after would you normally expect your bird to blutter out another word other than his first ,my grey is saying hello really loud and clear now for bout 4-5 weeks now but no sign of anything else coming out yet .I am aware he/she may never say another word which isnt really that important to me but just wondering how long after all you guys birds first word did he/she say another ?

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Ages.... sorry to disappoint you. But Liath was saying Hello from about 6 months. And said nothing else till 13 months or so. Then there was no stopping her.


Oisin has lots of little phrases, but he is learning from Liath not from us so much. I suppose it is easier to mimic a parrot than a human;)

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yes your not to far of siobhan he was born the end of june so that makes him just over 9 months i think so still very young ,quick question are they generaly very nervous birds ? Anytime i have any visitors he goes really quiet and doesnt even open his beak just sits in the corner and says nothing and as soon as there goin he chats away back to himself again its amazing really is cant figure it out ,i am putting it down to maturity at the moment as he is so young i guess .

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I thought he was about the same age as Oisin...


Yes most dont talk in front of people. My dad doesnt believe Liath can talk because he has never heard her. I have had to video her and show him the videos. And then he says that it is my husband talking!!! He says I was robbed... that I paid €1000 for a pigeon:laugh: !


Some greys dont even talk in front of their owners. A good tip I use is when someone comes to the house I ask them to wait outside the door if Liath is in talky mood. That way she doesnt know they're there and they get to hear her!

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Ha ha that is so wierd lmao ,my father and friends say the same thing to me "robbed 1000 for a pigeon" ,wifes dad breeds pigeons and said he would have given me the same thing for nothing ha ha .Ye very strange he says nothing to anyone outside the immediate family ,i wonder is that just the age thing or do they ever grow out of it and become more mature .

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LOL mervyn - what would your Dad a say to someone that paid 2200 for a Doberman....don't answer that ;-)


Dayo is turning 1yr old on the 28th of this Month. he aid Hello very loud 2x two months and never since. He sets up playing while I work on the PC and whistles, imitates sounds and then you can hear him mumbling and calibrating good boy!!, what are ya doin, uh oh that I can clearly make out so far, but it is VERY LOW volume and you must listen to what he is calibrating.


He never speaks or even makes any sound much in front of company unless we are all in another room. Greys seem very strange this way, but so far it seems to be a commonality with many.

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Oh Dan it won't be long now and Dayo will be chatting his head off, you just wait and see, Josey did not really start talking until she was a year old and now she is picking up all kinds of words and phrases. Josey also is sort of quiet when other people are in the house so yes that seems to be a commonality with them for sure.:whistle:


Mervyn yours will speak soon too, just give it a little more time.:P

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Yes that is one thing i never knew after all the reading and research i have done on greys here and other places on the net ,not that it changes anything of course but it certainly is a strange one ,for such a very clever animal to be so shy around others ,shy is the word i was looking for earlier rather than nervous .

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In fact some greys won't talk around their own owners, they have to go to another room to hear them speak, some just don't like anyone being in the room with them when jabbering, but not my Josey, she will talk right to me, I'm so lucky and blessed.:P

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Do greys have someting physically preventing them from speaking till later on in thier life? I mean realistically how early could a grey begin talking. Or does it take a minimum of a certain length of time before their voice or brain is developed enough to say words?

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We have a few members whose greys talked at an early age but most won't until later, like mine didn't talk until she was 1 year of age. She mumbled and did gibberish for a while then she said words and now phrases, just be patient Spence yours will talk in time. I guess the gibberish we hear from them is them getting used to what they can do with their tongue and using it to mimic sounds and then make words.


But whether something physically prevents them speaking words at an early age I don't know about, I am no expert by any means. Maybe some of our "experts" will chime in with some facts on this subject.

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Dorian becomes a statue whenever someone he doen't know comes into the room. As for speaking he says a little bit when I'm in the room with him but talks the most when I'm out of sight. I've actually heard him say "does he speak" a couple of times, which comes from his days in the pet store.

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hahaha - funny posts... my boy sensei is a happy boy - whistles and garggles and quacks & ays 'oi' but that is it so far - he is 6mths old & am trying diff thigns with him every day.... I hope all these noises that he is making are positive signs in him talking in the future. I didnt buy him ust for that but considering there the only animals that can do this it would be a bonus of having one.... any tips or hints in helping him with his vocals.....xx

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There is no set time for a grey to develop / mimic speech & it is never guaranteed that they will.some greys do start talking as babies but this is the exception. some do start as early as 6 months but dont expect to much.Many greys are closet talkers & prefer to talk when there is no one around.

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