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Should I get a new companion for my grey

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I have had birds for the last 30 years of my life. Just last night, I lost my red headed amazon that I've had for 30 years. I also have a Grey (3 years old) that has never lived without another bird by his side. I'm worried that he will need a companion to fill the void (I'm also worried that he will start plucking all his feathers out due to this major change in his life). Does he need a companion? And if so, what type of bird should I get?

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I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Pick a bird for you, not for your grey, obviously you will have to introduce them slowly over time but i have included a link for you on that..your grey is use to the company of another bird so i guess you may have problems with him,but it is early days,but if you really want another bird , then go for it.



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Hello Jerrysmom and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey.


Your grey may welcome the addition of a new flock member but then maybe not, just because you had them both and he has been around a bird all his life does not mean he would welcome another bird to take the other's place. He may not care one way or the other, if you do get another bird get something that you have been wanting for you and not just for companionship for the grey.


Take a few minutes and read thru some of the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.


BTW, what is his name?

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Welcome jerrysmom!!


Even though it is a sad introduction, it's great that you are seeing opinions before you make the leap.


As others have said, there is no guarantee of whether a mutual relationship would develop between the new parrot and your Grey.


Looking forward to hearing more. :-)

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Hi Jerrysmom. Try to give your grey the same level of attention he is used to. I'm sure he will mourn the loss of your other bird just as you will. If you get another he may like it or may not, either way it will be someone for companionship though. Best of luck in your decision.

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Thank you for your responses. I will have to play it by ear. I'm especially worried when we will be away for a few days and he will be all alone. We have a pet sitter that comes in every day, but it won't be the same. Even though all my birds were in separate cages, they still kept each other company when we weren't there.

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Jerrysmom - Your Grey will be fine with the sitter coming over each day. These Greys are tougher than you may think and the addition of a new and strange "Friend" for his company MAY have turned out for the worse, you just never know on that.


I have a Conure and a Grey, the Grey could care less whether "Jake" was present or not. he just considers him an annoyance, not a friend that keeps him company.


So, just know that your Grey is tough, smart and just happy to be in a very loving home that will ensure he is watched after while your away. :-)

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