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Do you feed cheese to your Grey?


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Bella absoutely loves cheese, but I give her low sodium soy based cheese (I'm lactose intolerant as well, and love cheese too, so we have soy based products all over here LOL!). Maybe that might be an option for your little guy? I think eating too much cheese would cause a loose stool, and if that becomes chronic that could be very dangerous.




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MityWiznut wrote:

But my Grey refuses to eat alternatively anything apart from sufnlower seeds and corn. What to do?


Ouch Mitzy - Well, my conure had a strong preference for junk food as well. I used to get this treat mix that had some sunflower seeds, corn and peanuts in it. When I saw him forage exclusively for those things and leave the good stuff out of his diet, I simply stopped feeding them that treat. For a couple of days he ignored his fresh fruits and vegies, but eventually he become hungry enough and ate the good stuff. I've now substituted that treat mix with fresh walnuts and pistachios (unsalted everything) which I leave a bit in the shells so they ahve the fun of picking the fruit out of the shell.




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Els wrote:

As an illustration a dog, you could feed it what ever you wanted, & when ever it gotten hungry enough, it would eat. That`s not true with Greys. Feed it what it is noticeably accustomed to, (make sure it`s good, high quality food), and if you really feel driven to chagne its diet, plan on a year or so of very exactly slow progress.


Really Els? Hmm.... Bella's diet is so diverse, I really couldn't say what she is most accostomed to.


She eats a different mix of fruits and vegies first thing in the morning, often with 1/2 of a flax seed waffle with soy butter and blueberry fruit spread or strawberry spread (no added sugar just real fruit). The frusits run the entire gammet - papay, apples, blueberry, blackberries, rasberries, pineapple, oranges (we have a store that chops up organic fruits, mixes them and sells the mix - it's awesome for the birds!).


The vegies include yams, dandelion greens, brocoli, cabage, carrots, celery, kidney beans - usually anything that's available fresh in the store that week (aside from the 'no, no' vegies like avacados).


I top her breakfast usually with a dash of soy cheese.


During the day she forages, and that includes walnuts, pistachios, pre-mixed parrot food such as Ecotrition and Zupreem and millet.


In the evening, she usually eats with me, from my plate LOL (my diet has gotten quite healthy with this routine as I'm worried about what she eats so I eat well LOL!).


Yesterday we had Isralei couscous and NY strip steak. I thought for sure she'd be all over that couscous and initially she was. But then she reached over and snatched a piece of my steak, and after that - she left the couscous to me and she was all over the steak!! Go figure!! She was WILD about that steak!


When we watch TV in the evening, we enjoy some fruit, like an orange or apple. When I peel the orange she paces back and forth on her table top perch excitedly until I finally am done and give her a piece. She snatches from my hand as though she hadn't been fed all day!


She drinks from my cup usually as well - and that is usually juices, like orange, apple, cranberry, or pomegranite juices. She also really likes my lactose free milk.


So, that's a VERY wide range of foods that my grey eats! In fact, I think there are very few things Bella doesn't eat. So, maybe some greys are focused on only a very narrow selection of foods, but I'm not sure that can be said universally.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

My breeder instructed me to cook a bag of soy bean mix, which she provided. Obi doesn't really seem to enjoy that, so I tried oatmeal for several days - no big deal to him either. So, this morning, I tried the bean mixture again (as I have a ton frozen already) adding carrots and apples cut up into small pieces. So, we'll see how that works.


Obi absolutely loves the yogurt dipped raisin, nuts, etc., which she also gave me a starter bag mixed with other dried fruits/veggies. She said she mixed this herself with food that humans could eat, not from a pet store. I haven't a clue where to get these items. Do any of you mix your own or buy them from the pet store? If you mix your own, where do you get the ingredients?


Very interesting about the sunflower seeds, though. No wonder Obi loves them so much. He doesn't seem too big on pellets. Are they necessary for them to have?


Thanks for answering, and have a great day everyone! ;)

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if you are going to feed anything with yoghurt then feed only in moderation as a special treat.I know kaytee do a yoghurt dip treat. Keep at the bean mix,i buy a prepared mix.Certain beans have the potential to be toxic to birds such as,pinto,soy,kidney,lima,black & fava,is is advised to cook these beans first, others soak them for 24 hours.

Pellets arent neccessary but do meet the needs of greys.mine do not eat pellets,but have a human grade seed mix,fruit.soaked pulses,sprouted seeds & veg, so i know that i am meeting their dietry requirements.

i have includeed some links for you to have aread through..







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I never thought greys would be allowed to have cheese since it's fatty and seems like it would clog them up, but I ordered a stuffed crust pizza from pizza hut like a week ago. I had her on her living room perch and ran to my room to answer the phone. When i came back I noticed she flew down to the floor to my plate and was eating my crust with cheese in it and had it in a thousand pieces on the floor *sigh*

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What about pasta's I heard greys love spaghetti o's and things of that nature but have yet to confirm nor try it until I know it's ok. I also heard they love refried beans or any bean paste in general as long as it's cleaned then fully cooked. Any truth in that?

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spence they love pasta or rice i give brown rice & wholemeal pasta,try boiling an egg ( hard boiled ) cook a little rice, crumble he egg in & few peas,carrots maybe or whatever veg you want,homemade egg rice, easy :P keep the egg down to once a week tho ! thats all mine get.

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Yes, noodles are one thing Klaus will always eat.

I give him his own little separate dish and he gets right down to business. He'll hold a noodle in his claw while eating it. That's how I know the stuff he REALLY likes - he'll hold it in his claw so it doesn't fall...

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Guest Skuffy

{Nature-00020095} I had Chicken Noodles,4 small pieces of cheese/Brocc/Colli/peas/carrots for my Evening meal


1 Green grape/1 red grape/apple/raspberrys/....All chopped up......Diff nut mix for a munch later..

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