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Is Luna getting enough sleep?


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So I Keep Luna's cage in a room down the hall and close the door so that i don't disturb her in the morning when I wake up at the crack of dawn. I've tried covering her cage but that scares her so I just leave the light off and close the door.

Anyway.. Every morning when I wake up (and this is at 4 or 5 in the am) I try to stay as quiet as possible but Luna always knows I'm up and insists on getting up with me! I get up and start moving around and within 5 mins I hear her little clicking noise meaning "Hi mom i know you're up". I ignore her because I want her to get anough sleep. If I dont acknowledge her she begins saying "hello" "hello" pause "hellooooooooo". Ive continued to ignore her and it doesnt stop. i just want to make sure shes getting enough sleep.


Do you think shes going back to sleep after I leave? If shes not getting enough sleep, does anyone else have any suggestions?

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Guest Skuffy

Hello...Max was having late nights with me...{Nature-00020095}


I was advised to put him to bed at set time...Ive been doing it for the last 2 nights,,,not very long i no...Max won't be quiet tho...just sits saying Peep-Oh...C`mon..Doing the Beeeeeeeeep!!! lowflapping of wings...Hes making me laugh...:laugh: Sorry but he is..After his Breaky and ive cleaned his cage...He has a snooze for about hr...:cheer:

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I would not worry about it too much. They will more or less live on your schedule and basically be happy to be part of your routine. They do need to get some undisturbed sleep (just like you and I), but if they have quiet time during the day they will nap and balance it all out. B)

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Our grey also wakes up early at 5am because it gets light here at that time. We have had no problems with him not getting enough sleep as he sleeps during the day when he is tired. We leave it up to him to decide when he wants to sleep. At night he flies into his cage about 2030-2100 to go to sleep.

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Mark you need to ignore Max's attempts to let him up or out of his cage when you put him to bed, he does need a set routine and you just have to be firm and stick to it, he will learn in time that bedtime is time to quiet down and sleep, if you continue to laugh and such at his noises he will continue to do them for the attention he is getting. You have to handle him just like you would a small child.:S:P

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Judy is right. He does need a routine. When I cover Charlie, he might not go straight to sleep but it calms him down and within half an hour he will take himself off to his perch. If you are still in the same room do you dim the lights down? Just a thought, thats what we do, it might help.

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Repetition is key to getting behaviors you desire. Getting compliance at bed time can fall into this category. However, just to play devil's advocate, I do not think having a "set routine" is so important and for that matter to rigid a daily routine may make them less receptive to change in general. Its all about balance. Keep working with them, they will get it! B)

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