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Thought it would be fun to have a thread on some African Greys facts... Please feel free to add any intresting facts you know off about Greys.I will start us off...


Did you know...


Unlike humans,parrots can percieve ultraviolet light, which enables them to distinguish whether another bird is male or female, even tho to us the two may look identical..


Feather plucking is a condition of captivity and does not occur in the wild..


Red kidney beans can be toxic if eaten raw, so they should be cooked before giving them to your grey..


Unlike humans, a parrots mouth is unaffected by the stinging effect of hot peppers..


The African Gray parrot is a monogamous bird,Staying with it's mate for life..


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The Grey will SCREAM an alarming, spine chilling scream when scared. Along with the fluffy up Tracy mentioned above. Makes me jump every time Dayo does it :pinch:


I am constantly coming through the house with something "Strange" in my hands, electric drill, ladder, Dog Toy etc and Dayo catches me off-guard every time because I am focused on what I am doing.... :laugh:

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Guest Skuffy

B) Types of African Greys


Congo Greys: The Congo Grey is larger than the Timneh. It has red tail feathers and a black beak.


B) Timneh Greys: The Timneh Grey is smaller than the Congo. It has more of a maroon colored tail, and its beak will have some reddish-beige tints in it.


Noise Level..

African Greys are considered by most companion bird owners to be moderately noisy. Most don't have a morning and evening screaming session as some parrots do, unless they are imitating other parrots they live with.

Don't get me wrong. African Greys know how to make loud noises, and will emit a loud shrill and make loud noises when they so choose. If they are angry at their toy, or think your not paying enough attention, they may choose a loud vocalization express their feelings.


Cuddle Factor...

African Greys may not have the reputation for being the cuddliest parrot, but they can cuddle with the best of them. Most of it depends on how they are raised as a baby and how they've been treated since then.

They often have a favorite person, and that will be the person they will cuddle with. Experts suggest that you socialize your bird when you bring it home so that it will be comfortable with many people handling them.

Even still, that is no guarantee. Some birds just pick one person to like. My mothers Congo Grey lets some of us pick him up and he threatens to bite others. Everyone loves him and treats him kindly. It's his choice.

Often a bird will not "like" someone because they feel that person's apprehension. Encourage people to relax when they handle your parrots. If they are really nervous, it might be best for them to wait until they have more confidence.

A bite from African Greys may spoil their future handling of that bird and other parrots too.


B) Sensitivity Factor...

African Greys are very sensitive to their environment. Unfamiliar sounds, toys, household items, people, animals and the like will often scare them.

To help avoid having an African Grey that is scared of everything, try to introduce them to new things and people as often as you can.

Changing their routine will help to. Don't let them become such a creature of habit that any change will stress them out. Some day you may need to change their routine or take them to someone else to care for them. If they are stuck in a rut, you may end up with terrible behavior problems.

Chet has written a great article called, "10 Tips For Not Owning A Grey That Is Afraid Of His Own Shadow!" Click on the link below to read it. It is a MUST READ article!



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