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New CAG Owner

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Hello to all! Thank you for a wonderful website!

Opie came to live with us about a week ago. He is a rescue/rehome and is about two years old. Opie is doing well, he seems very happy and is talking a good bit. He has already picked up my laugh and my three year old sons whine. We are thrilled to have him here!

I look forward to learning from you all and taking in all of the information on this site!



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Guest Skuffy

If you click submit a photo on the left of the page...window opens,,,,------Browse<---click that to look thou your folders in Your Documents...Upload the Pic you like add a coment about the Pic..Submit..{Nature-00020095}<-I taught Mark well...hehehehe

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Hello Heather and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Opie.


I commend you for taking in a rehome/rescue grey, they usually come with baggage but he seems to be adjusting well to his new home and you should very proud of yourself for this accomplishment.


Have you ever had any parrots before or do you have any other birds in your household? Opie is feeling very comfortable in his new home since he is talking and mimicing already and he has only been there for one week.


Take some time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Opie you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Thank you all for such a warm welcome! I will add some pics of Opie soon.


Judy, yes, Opie does seem to be adjusting well. He went into rescue fairly bald. My friend Kim that works rescue kept him at her house for about a year and socialized him and helped him and he is fuzzy and has a few feathers on his breast and legs coming in. He hasn't plucked at our house and seems very content. I would like him to continue growing his beautiful feathers though.

It took Opie a few days to trust me and start stepping up but he is doing great. We do not have any other birds at our house. My husband and I have a four year old (Aidan), a three year old (Alex), and a dog (Brin). Kim that works rescue is also Aidan and Alex's preschool teacher. Aidan and Alex both took a liking to Opie when she brought him in to school (she did this often so he is used to being around the little ones). It worked out that we were able to bring him home and for him to join our family! Kim came to visit him today and she was thrilled to see him happy and doing so well.

I look forward to reading through more of the information and chatting with you all soon! Thanks!

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This does my heart good to hear such a happy story of a rescue going well, I think Opie needed you and you stepped forward to take him in and give him a forever home and he will be so blessed for the rest of his life for what you have done for him. If all rescues could go this smoothly it would be so nice. Thanks for sharing a little more insight into how you ended up with Opie.:)

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Welcome Heather!!


What a wonderful introduction and of hearing that you opted to adopt. It sounds like you, family and Opie are well on the way to a life long time of companionship, love and enjoyment of each other. :-)


We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance!!

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Hello! It will be two weeks tomorrow since Opie came to live with us. I will attach a picture. You can see his feather growth on his leg and breast. I think he is happy with us here so far. He is so much fun to have here with us and we are really enjoying him! Opie.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherArvay, at: 2008/04/12 02:53


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Welcome Heather! This is an awesome forum where everyone is so helpful and welcoming.


Your story is very touching. Sounds like you have given Opie a good, loving home.


I'm a new Grey owner myself. Obi will be with us two weeks tomorrow. He was born 12/07/07, so he's still young. He's stepping up and loves being out of his cage. We are so happy he's adjusted so well in our home. We will find out if Obi is a he/she as soon as the DNA results come back.


Once again, welcome to this lovely forum. ;){Feel-good-00020069}

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