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Gave my first "JUICE" bath today.


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It all started about two weeks ago. I noticed alot of down feathers on the bottom of Raven's cage. I was thinking he was starting his first molt (great time for Vaccuum to be in the shop) About a week later, I noticed him scraching his head, After he scarched it he reached back and pulled out a down feather. This made me get on here and do some searching.... I found some threads on dry skin.. It then dawned on me I was itching like crazy about the same time I noticed the feathers. If i was having dry skin surly Raven was having dry skin too. I need to get some palm oil as well and will pick that ip tomorrow. Has anyone had a dry bird that started to pick at his feathers then stop when using that juice? The only thing that has changed in the last three weeks or so Is that my son has after school classes where he works on his homework, the two of them used to do this together every week day, but now they only do it a couple times a week. Im just wondering how long I should give the bath a chance to work before I start making my son do fake homework with him. or take him to the vet.. He just went though for a check up not that long ago.. Also its worth mentioning he is picking more. It doesn't seem to be any main feathers rather down feathers or just strand of his main feathers. He will even do it while him holding him. He scartches alot while i hold him too. I have tried to keep him really busy though with slicing banana's and apples and placing them all over his cage on the bars.. It does keep him busy for a while but not the whole day. He does not look bare any where but I am conserned.. Although he doesn't know that I am..

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:) Lovely picture.


You dont say how old Raven is ? From the pictures i guess still a baby. You say he is picking more ? More down or actually picking feathers out ? Baby / juvenile greys will often pick dirty/damaged feathers before their first molt & they do lose a ton of downy feathers,it's normal when preening themselves that the downy feathers come out.Grey's do scratch their heads to.From the picture he looks good to me.


If your grey was truly stressed out by the homework situation he would be picking / plucking feathers out.Is he showing this behaviour ? Find other activities to inclued Raven in,or provided him with plenty of foraging toys.

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Great photo tyretosmom!


I would imagine your Grey is around 9 or 10 months old. We have a ton of Greys on this forum between 10 moths and a year old. They are all seemingly going through their first molt, which is the heaviest. You have probably been finding many downy feathers when changing the cage liner and around your house, a few floating by your eyes etc. You will soon, if not already, start seeing "Gray" feathers coming from between his neck/back and working on down.


The Aloe misting and Red Palm Oil will sooth his skin and relieve much of the itchiness.

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They are down feathers for sure, no Grey feathers, But he is Pulling them out they are definatly not coming out naturally. He doesn't show any other signs of stress As far as I can tell. I do have about 4 foraging toys and I usually keep three in there and rotate the Fourth one every week. I just figured hanging food around his cage would also keep him busy. I did get him a bird pinita, (its shaped as a bird as well) he LOVE LOVED LOVED IT, but now its chewed through... will have to stock up on those. Hopefully he is just dry and pulling out dirty feathers.. Have not really seen him pull any thing out today but we just got home an hour ago or soo.

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