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Question about aloe spray


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That looks fine, I get mine at Walmart for like, $7 a gallon. Don't mix it with water, it's not as good diluted. You never want to spray it right in the face, but I have been using the stuff for a while now and Elmo never seems to act like it's bothering his eyes at all.

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I'll get some from Walmart then. Do you have to keep it refrigerated? I guess it will have instructions on the gallon.


Obi hasn't been sprayed yet ever, so that's going to be something that I'll work on with him too.


Thanks again! ;)

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hey LL the bottle says it should be refrigerated once it's opened.


my merlin is a bit 'cautious' so to speak so i have been introducing him to the spray bottle gradually.


i have 2 spray bottles, one will hold the aloe spray the other plain water. i find if i spritz the paper in the bottom of the cage, less dust come up when i roll it up.


so i show merl the spray bottle and he watches me spritz the bottom of the cage and in a week or so i will try a little gentle spritz or two over his cage and see if he doesn't go 'spud' on us. who knows? he might be a little water hog and we never knew it! but i am usually overly optimistic when it comes to young merlin ha ha ha.

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BMustee wrote:

Yeah, keep it in the frig. Stays fresh and Greys like cold baths.


What IS it about the cold baths? Athena loves it if her water is ice cold - even if she starts shivering half way through the bath! I am so worried she is going to get too chilled so I keep trying to give her warm water, but she won't go near it if it isn't cold!

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