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Natural bald Spots?


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Hi all! Ok so My grey just turned a year old on Feb 21st and she has started her first big molt. I know that during a molt you should never see any bald spots, which I dont unless she's wet. I know there are a few spots on Greys where feathers don't grow but I'm having trouble finding out what all those places are.


My other question is should there be small bits of down showing ever during a molt? I've never seen Luna pluck but I'm getting nervous =(



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Hi Taylor,


The first molt in an African grey will be the heaviest molt your bird has.The molting of downy feathers will be the most obvious of all the molted feathers.Expect to see alot of them.They normally start with the down feathers comimg out, followed by the smaller head feathers and nape feathers. The the wing and tail feathers are usually last.New pins will start to form which you will be able to see,They push the old feathers out.sounds very much as if she is molting.She may be a little grouchy at times,be sure to give her a good misting with some aloe juice.

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Ok thanks for the response! I am just worried because I recently moved. She started messing up some of her back feathers prior to the start of the molt but I wasn't sure if she was upset or if that's just normal. But I do know she is definetly molting, there are pins all over!


When she's wet though, Ive noticed some bald spots. That strip down her breast bone (which I believe is normal?) and then what I call her "elbows" which is the bend in her wings. I saw what looked like it might be a balding spot under her wing in her "armpit" but i see pins in there also so I was hoping this is normal. Otherwise she seems as active and happy and talkative as normal. Do you think this is just typical molting? Or should I continue to worry?

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Baby / juvenile greys will often pick dirty/damaged feathers before their first molt,she may well have been stressed because of the move.Is she continuing to pick at her feathers ? or has she stopped ? hopefully it will resolve itself with her molt.If she has stopped picking/pulling her feathers out i wouldnt be to concerned at present,continue to observe her for signs of plucking.

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Her feathers don't look so messy anymore. And I haven't actually seen her pluck any, the only thing I notice is that she seems to preen alot. Ive been taking her in the shower with me almost everyday thinking she may just be extra itchy. i am going to try the aloe mist and the red palm oil to see if that helps. Thanks for the help =) I will keep an eye on it and keep you posted.

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Grey's spend a vast amount of time preening,dont worry to much on that side.she will bit itchy,the aloe may ease this.Increase protein in your parrot's diet. Feathers are mostly made up of protein. Adding protein before and during molting can help her grow new feathers.

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All sounds well to me. Midnight also has the little spot on her chest, and one where each wing bends. I too can only notice them when she is in the shower with me. Midnight is not a plucker, or at least not yet (crosses fingers) I think you paying attention early will be your biggest help. You will be able to tell if they get bigger or she seems stressed. People who don't pay much attention regret it when their baby has developed a habit that can sometimes be hard to stop. Keep up the good work and I think you both will be fine. :silly:

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It seems we have a ton of Grey 1yr olds going through their first molt. :-)


Dayo started a little over 1 1/2 months ago, downy feathers everywhere. Don't forget to mist the tray before you pull it out to clean or you'll have those downy feathers everywhere!! :P


As Tracy described, the neck and in between the wings have been going too and pin feathers all around the neck and middle of the back.

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