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A very sad week

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Hi Everyone,


I signed on the end of March and told everyone about my 2 greys I inherited when my brother passed away, on Tuesday 4/1 I lost Chaz, in my initial note I told everyone he had been sick and I was still concerned about him, I had him to the vet 3 wks. ago, she re-did all of his blood work and said he was fine, I told her I had concerns because he continued to fall from his perch in the early morning hours, she told me to lower his perch which I did, well Tuesday morning I heard him fall once again I ran into their room and he was struggling to get up, I wrapped him in a towel and within 20min. he was gone, I am devasted I can't even function but I need to stay strong for my remaining grey Nicholas, he is sitting on my shoulder as I write this, he has been looking for Chaz all week, he has been whistling for him, it is breaking my heart. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible with Nicholas but I am so worried about him, I had him checked while Chaz was sick and he is doing very well. Well I am so sorry to ramble on like this but I just wanted to share my sorrow with other people who would understand what I am going through.



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I am so sorry Pep1 to hear of this but there was something wrong with Chaz even though he got a clean bill of health, something just wasn't right. I can imagine how you must feel even though you only had him a short time, it doesn't take long to fall in love with them.


I feel for Nicholas and he misses Chaz too but he will get over it in time just like you will, but you have each other now and each will help the other get thru this terrible time in your life.


Thanks for letting us know about Chaz, I remember your initial post about getting these two greys from your brother and am so sorry for your loss but he has gone on to the Rainbow Bridge, gone but not forgotten.

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I just wanted to send a quick note to thank everyone for their kind words, I am still so devastated I don't know what to do, I am also mourning the loss of one of my beloved cats 3 weeks before I lost my Chaz. Stormie cat had cancer but unfortunately this wasn't discovered till after he had surgery, I had to put him down. Needless to say it has been very hard for me to function lately, this is the first time I have turned on my computer all week. But once again Thank you to all.

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